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  1. Brachmanhuxley

    Should I choose the E-Nano or the SSV?

    In that case, I'll follow your advice guys and get the 14mm gong :D I hope I find a minibong that fits (I will buy it here to avoid all the shipping costs lol)
  2. Brachmanhuxley

    Should I choose the E-Nano or the SSV?

    I'm confused :lol: In the product description it says: 1-Standard glass wand with stainless steel basket screen Is that the same as the adjustabowl stem? My bad, I thought you can use any gong, not only those specifically made for the Nano.
  3. Brachmanhuxley

    Should I choose the E-Nano or the SSV?

    I don't own a bong yet so I don't know if I will find a cheap one that fits exactly with the GonG size. Plus, I have seen cheaper GonG's here in Europe. Why 2 adjust-a-bowl draw stems? Thanks for your help!
  4. Brachmanhuxley

    Should I choose the E-Nano or the SSV?

    Tried to edit my last message but I can't find the Edit option so I'll ask here. Which accessories would you recommend buying? I was thinking about getting a Glass Adjust-A-Bowl E-Nano Stem, but is there something else I should also get? For the moment I won't get the GonG as I want to try the...
  5. Brachmanhuxley

    Should I choose the E-Nano or the SSV?

    I wasn't judging how much I will need, it was mere curiosity to know if he needs to reload it very often.
  6. Brachmanhuxley

    Should I choose the E-Nano or the SSV?

    Thanks for all your replies. I intend to use it with friends as well as alone but even in the first setting I think it's going to be me who uses it most of the time as they are very used to smoking and are not so impressed with the vaping idea. But who knows maybe when they try they'll change...
  7. Brachmanhuxley

    Should I choose the E-Nano or the SSV?

    Thanks for your input @M4k4v3l1 and @Ratchett. The Nano seems like a very good option, indeed. However, I'll wait to see what other people, especially those who have owned/tried both, have to say about the SSV and the Nano. If the Nano was available in Europe I would clearly choose it, but...
  8. Brachmanhuxley

    Should I choose the E-Nano or the SSV?

    Hi, I recently posted asking about two other vaporizers, but I've been doing more research and one thing I know for sure is that I prefer a plug-in vaporizer. After getting some useful opinions and reading about the pro's and con's of a lot of plug-in vaporizers, I am pretty sure that I'm going...
  9. Brachmanhuxley

    Vulcano Easy Valve or Arizer Solo

    Do you know if they have a physical store in Santa Ana or is it only a virtual shop?
  10. Brachmanhuxley

    Vulcano Easy Valve or Arizer Solo

    I know they are very different types of vaporizers, but both seemed to be of good quality and my actual question was if I could take the Volcano to a friend's place without too much issue and in that case I would have chosen it over the Solo because of its quality and reliability. But now that...
  11. Brachmanhuxley

    Vulcano Easy Valve or Arizer Solo

    Wow, thanks a lot for all your fast replies :D I had already checked out the Plenty but for that prize I think I prefer a handy desktop vaporizer with a nicer design lol and the E-Nano looks like it would suit me fine. However, at the moment I don't own a bubbler and I wouldn't get one right...
  12. Brachmanhuxley

    Vulcano Easy Valve or Arizer Solo

    Thanks for sharing your experience headdoctor! As you said, for the moment it will be my only vaporizer and I'm also of the opinion that a high quality plug-in vaporizer is a better option. That being said, I think a vaporizer that I could take with me to a friends place would be the one that...
  13. Brachmanhuxley

    Vulcano Easy Valve or Arizer Solo

    Thanks for your input Ratchett! I don't think it looks boring. It's just that everyone I've heard agrees that plug-in vapes are better than portables and that's why I would rather buy a plug-in vaporizer (doesn't have to be the Vulcano, that's just the one I tried and read very good opinions...
  14. Brachmanhuxley

    Vulcano Easy Valve or Arizer Solo

    Thanks a lot for your help. Yes, I'm aware that comparing such different vaporizers isn't really possible, and that's why I asked such specific questions :D I didn't say that I don't live in the US so there's not as much choice but I guess I could look for online shops that ship to Europe. I've...
  15. Brachmanhuxley

    Vulcano Easy Valve or Arizer Solo

    Hi, I'm new on this forum so I don't know if I posted this in the correct section. For quite some time I've been very interested in getting a vaporizer to reduce the harm done by smoking and to get the most out of weed. I'm aware of the fact that there is a thread covering the subject of the...
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