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  1. B

    Discontinued Haze Square

    Yesterday and this morning I did 1-3 pulls at a time and set it down at first and second temps. One bowl definitely could’ve been vaped more, but I’ll get use out of it in the future when I make edibles and complete the extraction.
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    Discontinued Haze Square

    I agree re: weed hog. I may just pack em all up and just take hits when I need it, not worrying about taking down a full bowl. I bought the storage case with it, so the enclosed design + the case + dryer sheet in the case seems to mask the smell really well. I can fire it up, toke and then just...
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    Discontinued Haze Square

    Think of it like a bong... Worked for me about an hour ago and got 3 nice clouds on th second setting using a bowl packed last night.
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    Discontinued Haze Square

    Got through a whole bowl just fine 2 pulls on the second, waited 10 minutes and pulled again on the 2nd lowest setting (checked before hitting): combustion Silicone cap was on bowl. Didn’t think I was pulling all that hard though After opening chamber; only burned directly in the center hole...
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    Discontinued Haze Square

    Worth it for the quick charge alone Waiting on the Mac app to be released so I can take full advantage of this thing
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    Discontinued Haze Square

    Ive taken out the pod too. Not too much hassle to take it and scrape the bud from the grinder directly into the pod Think I’m gonna use the tray as a cleaning tool only
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    Discontinued Haze Square

    What about the pad on the bottom, raise the floor of the chamber rather than lower the roof and stifle the vapor after it’s produced This is what I was suggesting
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    Discontinued Haze Square

    Not fully extracting a bowl is a little concerning. I’ll have to check mine tonight to se how it’s doing The upside if it remains constant: bud should decarbed by the vaping process regardless. Less extraction means stronger edibles when the AVB is collected down the line Maybe try using one...
  9. B

    Discontinued Haze Square

    Packed a 3/4 bowl of fine ground and tamped lightly. Had a couple of tasty hits with my coffee this morning. Much much easier to do than it has been with my Arizer Solo. Love that I can take a couple pulls and pack the Square up for storage
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    Discontinued Haze Square

    Successful session on lowest and 2nd lowest setting this morning. Last night’s combustion must’ve been my fault on the highest setting. The Square is gonna be nice as a way to microdose
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    Discontinued Haze Square

    Small was the wrong word I guess. 3/4 fill, lightly tamped. Heated up after 10 minute cooldown. Pressed 3 times and heated to temp. Held button on inhale. Lowest setting Maybe I drew too hard? Felt it combusting too late. Exhaled a FAT cloud. Learning curve needed maybe. Don’t hold the button...
  12. B

    Discontinued Haze Square

    Square Pro arrived in great cosmetic condition (thankfully). Received the cleaning tray and a case I purchased as well. Charged and packed a small bowl First impressions: nice heft to it and feels good in the hands. Haptic feedback is great to have. Easy to use so far: set temp - hold til...
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    Discontinued Haze Square

    Forgot about the app @Haze Vaporizers - any indication when Mac users will get an app?
  14. B

    Discontinued Haze Square

    Mine will get a full workout Friday night. Hoping to go through 4 bowls just to test them/the battery life
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    Discontinued Haze Square

    Got mine waiting on the mailbox for the end of the day Had it arrived at 7, and not 730 this morning, I may have developed a stomach bug preventing me from going to work
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    Discontinued Haze Square

    Does look “pre distressed”?...
  17. B

    Discontinued Haze Square

    Doesn’t he say at the start that he’s had it for a month? That would make it a 1st run unit, no?
  18. B

    Discontinued Haze Square

    To those who have their unit: if you only take a toke or two, then turn the unit off and store the mouthpiece, how much does the unit smell? Does it’s design keep exterior smell down while loaded and stored?
  19. B

    Haze Square Shipping Thread

    And here I am, hitting refresh every 30 minutes
  20. B

    Haze Square Shipping Thread

    Gah! When did you order? I order 5/8 and no updates yet
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