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  1. debaserrrrr

    How much do you consume : Per load/session/day

    I have found the biggest potentiator of weed to be time. The biggest thing for me is forcing myself to wait ~3 hours between sessions. If I do that, my weed is effective.
  2. debaserrrrr

    Herb Grinders

    Yes, medium.
  3. debaserrrrr

    Herb Grinders

    Strange, my biggest complaint from my old grinder was how it would get gunked up with resin and stop turning. I haven't had this issue with my SCS at all.
  4. debaserrrrr

    How much do you consume : Per load/session/day

    Damn you must have some sick lungs. I usually vape .5-.75g / day in my extreme Q .1-.2 elbows. Lately I have been dabbing a lot more, so that reduces my flower intake.
  5. debaserrrrr

    Some secrets to good Qwiso

    Scratch that, I'm gonna go ahead and skip to tane...
  6. debaserrrrr

    Herb Grinders

    I have cleaned my SCS 2pc once, and it didn't need it that time. I've had mine for a month.
  7. debaserrrrr

    Broken torch?

    You are my savior! Thank you so much, I hadn't been able to dab since yesterday.
  8. debaserrrrr

    Broken torch?

    Let it drain out fully? You are awesome, I will try this soon. This should fix it actually, the fuel regulation seems to be what is wrong (too strong blowing on the ignitor prolly).
  9. debaserrrrr

    Broken torch?

    I guess I will go buy a vectoresque bed bath and beyond one to hold me while I return this. The lame thing is I bought the nice torch because I heard about issues with the one I'm about to buy.
  10. debaserrrrr

    Broken torch?

    I think I fucked up my GT8000 torch somehow. When I turn on the gas, it sprays a ton of tane (more than normal) and the igniter doesn't seem to be working. Is it possible to overfill? I refilled like normal, but the can was sitting outside after it rained for a bit (maybe a wet igniter?).
  11. debaserrrrr

    Some secrets to good Qwiso

    Maybe I will do a side by side everclear and iso comparison.
  12. debaserrrrr

    Some secrets to good Qwiso

    Do you guys have any experience doing QWET extractions? Could I use the same method with PGA? I have heard that PGA may not purge properly, but I have heard conflicting reports.
  13. debaserrrrr

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    Yea, that was my plan originally. Hopefully this can reduce my coughing towards the end of vape sessions.
  14. debaserrrrr

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    Would I have to load the bud into the cyclone bowl for this, or could I still elbow pack?
  15. debaserrrrr

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    Thanks, I'm on it. This should work right? Does anyone have a preferred vendor for stuff like this? This seemed like the best deal (assuming the product is good). OR...
  16. debaserrrrr

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    For some reason I thought the Extreme Q GonG adapters were 14mm. I bought a n3rd DI rig with a 14mm male with that in mind. Oh well, maybe I will just get an aquavape.
  17. debaserrrrr

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    Thanks for the tip Seek, I have been looking for a household item to plug my whip (leaks quite a bit if you leave it to cook).
  18. debaserrrrr

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    They do reek after a while, so they are way higher maintenance than the standard.
  19. debaserrrrr

    Whip Tubing - All Your Questions Answered!

    My order from USP was next day or the day after.
  20. debaserrrrr

    Some secrets to good Qwiso

    I will have some pics of my first few forays in the next few days. I just got my first oil rig today and I'm loving my product.
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