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  1. S

    Discontinued Hopper io

    Eh we were kinda ripping into him Precisely at 1:18 you can see there is no front end when put into the machine. This isn’t the machine OR video I was originally referring to though so must be an updated QC setup from after that video
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    Discontinued Hopper io

    I don’t want to keep ripping on this guy for one understandable mistake so this is my last comment on the matter. I think in the old QC testing videos by hopper labs with that weird dome device that sucked smoke in, I think when testing the hoppers in that device was they didn’t have front ends...
  3. S

    Discontinued Hopper io

    The whole BODY is the keyword. The front-end is not part of the body. If you originally said the body I would have agreed with you Also I’m not an mech eng. either, but I will mention I studied it for the past 3 years before switching to biochem this last year. I’m far, far from an expert but...
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    Discontinued Hopper io

    Why would they include the front end in the circuit? That’d be a terrible design. The front end is just a chunk of metal that directs the vapor. Again, coincidence
  5. S

    Discontinued Hopper io

    100% coincidence. The front end doesn’t affect the actual mechanical function in the slightest. Now if you’d said backend then maybe
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    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    They must have gotten it fixed within the last 24 hours cause it had been down
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    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    I noticed it a couple days back and had similar concerns but everything including rma history got shifted to the new site the
  8. S

    Discontinued Hopper io

    Same I wish it was and could really appreciate saving some money but long term I really want this company to succeed and know they must need cash rn so I’m not gonna complain too much about it
  9. S

    Discontinued Hopper io

    Doubt you’ll notice any functional difference at all for 65 vs 70 watts, they just have the difference to help encourage upgrades to Ti. The OG’s got by fine with like 35 watts or whatever so both are substantial higher powered already Hope this wasn’t supposed to be secret but I just was told...
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    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    Even if hopper labs goes out of business today I feel like I've gotten enough out of my two hoppers for them to be a worthwhile purchase. Together my SS and Ti cost the same as a new Pax not including my extra batteries etc. All of my friends with Paxs had them break in under 2 years, my hoppers...
  11. S

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    Personally I've never felt the need for a chamber reducer unlike most other portables, that's one of the big benefits of convection. I do find myself turning the temp maybe .25-.5 notch higher to compensate for the increased airflow but the ABV always comes out a nice even brown
  12. S

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    Wouldn't recommend a hydotube. There have been concerns that holding the vape upside down leads to vapor condendsing on the internal and leading to failures. Just get a normal glass piece that keeps it oriented up if possible
  13. S

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    You have to hit it more slowely on a partial pack. Full pack slows down the hot air and allows it to heat the bud, if you suck to fast on a partial pack air goes right through and the bud doesn't heat up the same
  14. S

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    Me and others have transferred the warranty, it is transferable.
  15. S

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    So I've been hearing different things about this. From the way they worded it in their release it seemed like the wall adapter was a separate accessory that would essentially turn the vape into a desktop as you've described. After discussing it with some other people though I'm now thinking it...
  16. S

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    Weirdly enough one of my hoppers combusted once (actually the day I was finalizing its resale which I then cancelled) but has been 100% perfect after, thankfully because it was mid December at the time. I do get some clouds on temp 3-3.5 with moderate white walling. I typically do one hit on...
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    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    @JoeMama I'm hoping for more comments and information on the new models whenever you have time. We all have our hopes on your units
  18. S

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    I highly recommend a delta3D funnel but would 10/10 suggest this model. It fits both the hopper and his dube tubes for easy filling plus works as a hopper stand. Was an excellent purchase!!! EDIT to include link
  19. S

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    What's in front of the hopper in your lineup then?
  20. S

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    I'm a little confused, as far as I'm aware the battery contact was always metal and sitting on top a circuit board.
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