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  1. F

    Best setup for concentrates?

    what about an IR thermometer with a laser that shows u where it measures...
  2. F

    Tainted cannabis?

    If you're in Europe you probably got synthetic weed. Its a big thing there. They buy decent looking legal CBD flowers and spray them with cheap synthetic cannabinoids and/or terps they get from China. Ur plug is probably unaware of it as it happens higher up the chain. I got that shit once in...
  3. F

    Best setup for concentrates?

    Can someone please recommend a thermometer to use to measure if the quartz banger is ready for use? Id like to order from China like aliexpress or similar.
  4. F

    Heady Glass Appreciation

    I'm really liking the heady glass and wanna get some pieces. Now I won't be able to afford the higher ticket pieces, but I keep seeing some decent offers for cool stuff. I think it would be really helpful to have a separate thread for "cheap" heady glass offers. I even started to find some heady...
  5. F

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Thanks a lot for that answer @Shit Snacks. I've been going back a lot in this thread but the problem for me is I have no idea which of the recommendations are good, which of the links are soso.. If you get around to it, I'd really appreciate a best of compilation ^^
  6. F

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    So I already placed my order for this piece! Will post a review. Is this piece the RBR from biao.t I read about?
  7. F

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler|4|0|esm2|7_2|ER-B|newes|7_2.newC.#s2-31-7;searl|0027187759:32 found this too...
  8. F

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler|0085533725ef46ae9701f4dc4c76ee9a..#st1-3-store|0085533725ef46ae9701f4dc4c76ee9a;sthome|1251058439 this piece looks...
  9. F

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler So this is my only piece of glass I have as of now. So far I've been mostly a native dynavap user, but since I got the BAKx I've been really enjoying using this water piece. It's very smooth but sometimes I feel there is too much air with the vapor. I would like to try a...
  10. F

    Best Ways to Vape Hash/Kief?

    I fold it up in mesh and stuff that in my bak
  11. F

    Interesting News, Articles & Stuff If he gains traction he won't live long I'd guess..
  12. F

    BAKx - bake all kinds

    My Bak has been getting me so lit. I haven't even went over 220°C yet.
  13. F

    Interesting News, Articles & Stuff

    The climate zars have begun to ration out life to cut down carbon emissions. An argument can be made that anyone who's onboard with the sacrificial cult has forsaken humanity.
  14. F

    The FC Meme Thread!

  15. F

    Zeal, Ω, and Epitome

    What's the discord url?
  16. F

    Best setup for concentrates?

    That's what I use too!
  17. F

    The FC Meme Thread!

  18. F

    The CORRECT way to store your bud?

    Ah that makes more sense lol
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