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  1. J

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    I am so excited for the dosing caps! They seem like just the thing to take the Pro up another notch in quality.
  2. J

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    The included "microdosing disk" isn't quite what it might sound like. It can slightly decrease the size of the bowl, but it isn't really suited for microdosing. On the topic of low tolerance though, I take a lot of single hits with this device, and I do so in session mode, not on-demand. I'll...
  3. J

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    That seems to be a pretty regular occurrence. Nicotine vapes and dry herb vapes require different methods for efficient usage. Glad you're catching on and getting better results from it!
  4. J

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    Wow! 450 that's pretty up there. I get decent enough clouds at 370 that it makes me cough out a lung if I hit it for too long. I usually like it in the 360-370 temp range just because of the flavor. For me to get big clouds at 370 I take a long, slow inhale, imagine you're breathing through a...
  5. J

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    Yeah, I've tried using it with the microdosing disk just to avoid losing it but it just gets resiny and the screen sticks to it. The 15mm screens works better with the microdosing disk removed.
  6. J

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    Just checked the order, it was wish, not aliexpress, and it comes with a 'fancy' spoon meant for something else which will be perfect for loading the funnel. You could also look for a "Flask funnel" for something similar Hopefully posting this isn't against any rules...
  7. J

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    The dosing capsules sound pretty interesting, and I also hope AirVape gets it right. A good dosing capsule could make cleaning significantly easier since you'd only need to clean resin, not caked on bud particles which can be stubborn to clean, especially in the smaller areas like the corner...
  8. J

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    Guitar pick! Perfect idea! That will work well to avoid scratches
  9. J

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    It could eventually scratch it and rough it up some. Try something like a popsicle stick, or something plastic if you want to avoid scratches.
  10. J

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    Cleaning for me has been kept to a minimum by using the 15mm screens I mentioned earlier on top of the bowl, and by using a folded post it note to scoop the bud into the bowl. The folded note lets me get the weed in the bowl without it getting all over the mini screen. Cleaning the mini screen...
  11. J

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    I grabbed a set of 15mm screens to use on top of the bowls and it's been great. No need to brush any debris off the cap or clean the little screen, just dump the bowl in my abv container and fish out the screen for the next bowl. I found 16mm screens just a touch too big, what we really need are...
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