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    Dynavap VapCap

    Just wanted to add, I ordered the '18 M from Vaposhop and the cap was actually very tight in the beginning. Now, after a few bowls it became looser and is relatively easy to remove (but still too tight for the magnet, could be a weak magnet though :shrug:). Might have been a different batch or...
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    Dynavap VapCap

    I asked the support at Dynavap recently and they told me it was not planned at the moment. You can use Visa gift cards for example but that seemed kind of awkward as well so I just got an M18 at Vaposhop. Which arrived today btw! :D:D:rockon: Super excited to try it out :brow:
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    Dynavap VapCap

    Hey everyone, I was wondering if there are plans to include other payment options at the Dynavap website? Not everyone has a credit card. :shrug: Was going to order the M' + Ti tip and condenser + mp for the free shipping, only to find out the above...:(
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