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  1. Dabtanian

    DaVinci MIQRO

    I hadn't until Fri, wasn't really bothering me so much but @mulciber comment above had been playing on me and thought what the heck. not received a reply as yet and as they seem relatively active here i just pm'd them here rather than look up their email...
  2. Dabtanian

    What vapes are in your current rotation?

    Indoors: Flower > Vapcap, in a vapcap slide on a bong. Rosin > Peak with Sic Dish. Outside: Flower > Davinci Miqro Rosin > Puffco Plus (2nd ver) or tho really tempted to upgrade home setup to one of: Flowerpot - raw power being a bonus, but i worry for my cat with any enail type setup...
  3. Dabtanian

    The Nomad From Morwood

    These things are utter works of art! I'm a bit late here only been following for about a week but jheez what utter craftsmanship.
  4. Dabtanian

    Portable Rosin Vape?

    I use a Puffco plus almost daily they are useless in subzero temps. I'd assume most dab pen style devices would also suffer in cold? So I would deffo be looking for a box mod and rda for low temps. But no personal experience to chime in past that I'm afraid.
  5. Dabtanian

    DaVinci MIQRO

    Hey yall, I got a miqro around Christmas with a view to really push myself to finally ditching combusting this year and I use it pretty much daily as my out and about Vape atm. I really enjoy it. I'm used to carrying a few 18350s around with me as I used to be into small high end ecigs so that's...
  6. Dabtanian

    Discontinued The Ember by prrl labs

    I'm really interested in these. Really hoping it could be the answer to me finally stopping combusting bongs. Waiting to see some more detailed opinions before I purchase. But I think the concept is perfect for any long term bong smoker like my self really struggling to stop combusting...
  7. Dabtanian

    Welcome to Fuck Combustion...Tell us about yourself here!

    Hey FC, I've been lurking a long while and finally made an account and wanted to say hello and start posting. I'm 33 years old and from the UK. I've been dipping in and out vaping since first buying a Vapir Oxygen Mini when they came out a good few years back now. Since I've owned various...
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