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  1. M

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    50 minutes always on? Sounds unrealistic to me. My GH don't even gets close to that.
  2. M

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    Using it on glas without the silicone was never a problem. On the contrary, the silicone mouthpiece is a little too big so that GH doesn't stand stable on glas. So far I haven't any scratches.
  3. M

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    I lost my silicone mouthpiece after a week or something and I don't miss it. Mouthpiece gets hot, but if you put it a little deeper in your mouth and not just the tip it's not a problem for me. And if it gets too hot after 6 or 7 draws, wait a minute or two and take another few hits.
  4. M

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    When I got my GH I had the same problem. When there was no more vapor at temperature setting 5, the ABV was still vapable in other vapes. It got stuck in the chamber and I got only very light vapor from it. With the new back end, it's a totaly different unit. ABV is dark brown and easily falls...
  5. M

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    When it works, it's a absolute amazing vaporizer. I tried and own the iolite, vapman, extreme-q and arizer air. Out of these the GH has the greatest flavour imo (through glass). It's really fun tho milk that thing with a bubbler at high temps. You can take a hit in seconds and put it back in...
  6. M

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    I tried it in a dark room. You can wrap your hand around it like smoking a cigarette "military-style", that helps a bit. But the LED shines trough the gaps between the closed fingers and it's not very comfortable. The Light is not a big issue for me. But a stealth-mode would be a nice to have.
  7. M

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    I love to vape in cinema. Not when the film is new released, but 2 or 3 weeks later when the seats around are empty. That's the only case I would use such a light trap.
  8. M

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    I didn't explain my idea very good too. It's a little bit difficult for me to explain such technical descriptions in english. Yes, I also thought of a black silicone ring that sits on the holes but doesn't cover them. I think I know what you mean with that skirt, good idea. I thought of that...
  9. M

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    I think it would be enough if that ring has a distance of 0,5mm to the GH body so that the holes are covered but air can flow trough additional holes between the original holes. On the up- and downside of the ring it could be closed. No, or only few light could shine trough the rings holes but...
  10. M

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    Some kind of light trap ring that you put around the GH would be cool.
  11. M

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    The GH does nothing with these two batteries inserted. No Light no charging no heating. With both back ends.
  12. M

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    Hi there, I have my GH for 2 or 3 weeks now. First backend (serial number in the 500's) got a little hot and highest temperature gave only thin clouds and greenish ABV. 2 out of 3 additional batteries I ordered were dead. Last week I got a replacement backend (serial number in the 100's) and...
  13. M

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    I wrote them that I could translate it for them but no answer...
  14. M

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    Thank you!
  15. M

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    Just a short update about "german customs vs grasshopper": They sent it to the "Bundesnetzagentur" and they decided that I can get my grasshopper. Yippie:party: Edit: In my euphoria i didn't read that: I have to show them a german manual. I hope it's ok If I write it by my own. Has anyone a pic...
  16. M

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    I had the hopper in my hands, there was no CE-label
  17. M

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    Yes, sent them a mail, but no answer yet. That Moment when i had it in my hands for five seconds... I need a new vape. Now! @Gregori: Thanks, but I think its too late. Customs told me that they will do some further research and inform me in 2-3 weeks. But without that certification I think they...
  18. M

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    Bad news for backers/ customers from germany. Today I was at the customs office to get my grasshopper that has been shipped 2 weeks ago. They told me that it can't be importet to germany because of a missing CE-certification and user manual in german. I could cry.
  19. M

    The Grasshopper Shipping Poll

    Ok my fault, I understood it like these 243 are almost shipped and regular backers are coming soon. But they are just at the very beginning of these 243 hoppers.
  20. M

    The Grasshopper Shipping Poll

    Umm, I am a early bird backer and I dont have it. I think until now there are only some holliday backers with a grasshopper.
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