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  1. P

    Atmos RAW glass filter

    If I'm not mistaken its just a typical glass honeycomb screen, thats my understanding anyway.
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    Thermovape Ultra + 3x 14500

    Could this be used with your evo cart that's for sale?
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    Suggestions for a big hitting vape

    If you're new to vapor, I would highly advise against dropping serious money, simply because vapor isn't for everyone, I've had people hit my SSV just under combustion point and they still weren't satisfied with the "vapor buzz"
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    Suggestions for a big hitting vape

    Cheap easy vapor bong unit is the LSV (Lifesaber vaporizer). Definitely worth a look at.
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    Discontinued Vaporblunt 2.0 & VB 2.0 DLX

    TRVB, I've been playing around with the dead beta unit trying to see what went wrong, if you could PM me so we can see what needs to go where so this baby will be up and running it'd be much appreciated. EDIT: I've got to the unit to successfully heat up, however only when directly plugged in...
  6. P Your Friendly Vaporizer Store

    So randy what's the story with this dube pen? I've heard it actually does flowers, without burning??
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    The Magic-Flight Box

    Oh ok thanks mom!
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    The Magic-Flight Box

    How does one go about cleaning eds beautiful wood stems?
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    The Magic-Flight Box

    They must know how the vaporists get without their vapors.
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    The Magic-Flight Box

    Just wanted to comment saying I'm impressed as hell with magic flights customer service. 24 hour turn around and my box is already on its way.
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    Help me choose a portable?

    I've had my MFLB stink, however it was due to very dirty screen, ISO cleaned her right up!
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    Help me choose a portable?

    I will echo pak and Vicki, vapor is meant to be absorbed not blown in my opinion, while blowing clouds is fun and satisfying for the combuster in us, I find it unnecessary. Breathe it in deep and let it creep its way in. While I am not for blatant use in public, I do find myself medicating in...
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    Overgrowing, you're doing it right!

    Lol I've dropped a couple dozen seeds all over town, it's great seeing a 2ft purple train wreck plant in front of city hall.
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    Crucible stuck in vaporizer

    In the battle of heat vs metal, metal will always bend to the will of heat.
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    The Magic-Flight Box

    I was cleaning the screen and it was unusually flexible and I noticed a small tear by the rod.
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    Health stone glass inner cooler hand vape

    Hey guys I have a virtually brand new healthstone glass hand pipe for sale (trades are welcome) TRADES are much preferred however I will also sell. FULL DISCLOSURE: I purchased this from HSG on their $7.10 sale. I paid $14.20 for this piece. I unfortunately am uncomfortable using...
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    The Magic-Flight Box

    Screen tears are covered under warranty correct?
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    Pinnacle Portable Vaporizer!

    Stop it chronie! You're feeding the VAS monster....
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    Vape Attachment for Hash/Downstem

    Health stone glass attachments are the way to go for you're lookin to do.
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