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  1. VaporEyes

    Cannabis documentaries

    Some others I've found or forgot to mention.
  2. VaporEyes

    Cloud-chaser: Derogatory term or innocent classification?

    Not a cloud chaser but I'll gladly admit to being a vaporizer chaser :D. Each one comes with it's own little quirks and it's fun to learn how to properly use them.
  3. VaporEyes

    Feds once again reiterate: Marijuana is not medicine

    These corporations don't get how this plant and it's molecules work. They think it's all about THC when it isn't. All the other actives in the plant work in concert with one another to give a wide range of benefits. This is why cannabis is such an effective treatment. It's sort of a "cure-all".
  4. VaporEyes

    Feds once again reiterate: Marijuana is not medicine

    More money is to be made for the feds if it's illegal. This is all it boils down to.
  5. VaporEyes


    This seems like another "Oracle" to me. In the first 10 minutes(I think) the creator said that the heater "pulsed". The oracle had a similar feature and used an infrared heater as opposed to this currently unknown one on the "sublimator". As SliM has said before me, I think this is just a...
  6. VaporEyes

    Cannabis documentaries

    Not sure if this is where I should put this but... here are some documentaries that I've come across that you may want to watch. Information in these do overlap at points. Enjoy.
  7. VaporEyes

    The Bud Toaster - (currently: Model 14, version 3)

    You have a very interesting product here and when it is to your liking, you have quite a few customers in waiting, such as myself. :brow:
  8. VaporEyes


    I apologize to those who have been awaiting a vid of this in action. It came out very poorly and isn't up to the standards I would like it to be so I will need to bring in a friend to assist me(making excuses, I know). To make matters worse my former supplier has decided that he's "not selling...
  9. VaporEyes

    Where do you get your news?

    I'm always one to be out of the loop when it comes to news. I suppose I could say I get my news from the internet. Haven't watch tv "news"(or tv at all) for half a year now.
  10. VaporEyes

    CERA, the wait & gibberish thread

    It very well could be, but that was rather well written to be a troll. Not like there haven't been well written troll posts before. This is the internet after all :rolleyes:.
  11. VaporEyes

    Low calorie edibles,any ideas?

    One question: Is this with fresh or ABV? If it's the latter, you could grind it up into a powder and add into a smoothie.
  12. VaporEyes

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera (Original thread, closed because of chaos)

    This is most certainly some disheartening news :(. I hope the best not only for you but TET as well.
  13. VaporEyes

    In real need of advice for a family member

    I have purchased from that seller myself and the package arrive well enough and in a timely manner(from CA to VA in ~4 days). That's not to say that my experience with them is what Krenzel should expect but I did get what I ordered.
  14. VaporEyes

    In real need of advice for a family member

    The herbalaire is rather easy to load and clean. It also allows three methods of intake and is rather inconspicuous. Here is a link that has it for cheap...
  15. VaporEyes

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Sorry to hear that. Have you looked into the LSV(life saber vaporizer) by 7th Floor by chance? You can use direct draw or run it through a water pipe with the adapter. It will also produce large clouds if that's your thing.
  16. VaporEyes

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    If my post came off as uninformed... it is. As I had said, I've yet to try the VXL(my statement is based purely on observation). Being the only vaporizer user within your group of friends(possibly area too) makes it rather hard to try them all out :cry:.
  17. VaporEyes

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Don't own a cloud myself(hope to in the future) but I'd say that isn't a proper comparison. Log vapes primary purpose(seemingly) is conservation and small load size. They also aren't know(as far as I see) for their visible vapor production. I'd say a more proper descriptor is "handheld volcano".
  18. VaporEyes

    Vapin stems??

    Since I've been unable to get any herb as of late(hate having to deal with dealers and the black market:disgust:) I vaped some of my stems. Was it my best session? No, but they did get me to a pleasant state(definitely more CBD than THC). I used my LSV and WPA and turned it slightly higher than...
  19. VaporEyes

    CERA, the wait & gibberish thread

    Ha, that would be castration. :o I think it goes something like that. :spliff:
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