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  1. VaporEyes

    Ascent Vaporizer by Da Vinci (pre-sale thread)

    Thanks for the link. I just registered too! :D
  2. VaporEyes

    First legal vapor lounge?

    I feel ya there. I wish I had an actual choice in product instead of "you get what you get".
  3. VaporEyes

    Ascent Vaporizer by Da Vinci (pre-sale thread)

    They're not in this thread(that I know of). Check here. Adobewan's design was ultimately chosen.
  4. VaporEyes

    Ascent Vaporizer by Da Vinci (pre-sale thread)

    If Arfsdad's information is relevant and helpful to you, it is, if it isn't, it isn't. Let's all chill here and get back to dreaming about the ascent. :peace:
  5. VaporEyes

    VIP from SSV

    Isn't that their first ever vape though? As far as I know, they only make pure gold and other such products.
  6. VaporEyes

    VIP from SSV

    Perhaps, but if I've learned one thing in life, that's to sit back and remain neutral until all the facts are in.
  7. VaporEyes

    VIP from SSV

    7th Floor is an upstanding company(from what I see) with great products so I doubt they're trying to be underhanded here. Possible reasoning for the similar appearance could be, since that design is widely used, that it's cost effective and perfectly suited to their ideas for this vape. All...
  8. VaporEyes

    Portable Vape Advice Please

    I suggest the Vapro. It has a small load size, heats up in about ~3min, is highly portable, and delivers satisfyingly tasty hits(very smooth too).
  9. VaporEyes

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Sounds like a plus to me. And with Troi reaffirming that, I'd say you've got one fine piece of equipment in your hands. :tup:
  10. VaporEyes

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Have you turned it on yet? I'd go more by the heat up/ light time moreso than the cord length. I have a cloud+. It's an updated older model so it has a long cord.
  11. VaporEyes


    Was fooling around with the lighting and just happened to get this great shot(to me anyway :cool:) while using the vapro.
  12. VaporEyes

    Life Saber (LSV) by Elev8 Vehicles

    I've been away from FC for far too long. I am unfortunately still working on that video :lol:....:uhoh:... Anyway, have this as an offering to tide you over til I can get it uploaded.
  13. VaporEyes

    Gnome or Vaponic/VapoCane?

    I'd like to think my senses are rather acute(not that I've had any testing done). With other vapes I can detect metallic tastes. Perhaps the torching of the screens(oxidation?) before use eliminated it. :shrug:
  14. VaporEyes

    Life Saber (LSV) by Elev8 Vehicles

    I will post up a video later today showing how I use mine. Hopefully it will help you master your LSV.
  15. VaporEyes

    Gnome or Vaponic/VapoCane?

    I have screens installed in both the GnOme Cone and WPA. I don't find the taste to be altered any by this.
  16. VaporEyes

    Gnome or Vaponic/VapoCane?

    You are correct. I forgot he sold just the heating piece.
  17. VaporEyes

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    If you have any troubles with it be sure to ask us!
  18. VaporEyes

    Involuntary- yet voluntary- T break

    Hope all goes well. Stay safe and have fun.
  19. VaporEyes

    Gnome or Vaponic/VapoCane?

    The GnOme will come with a mouthpiece when you order. The Water pipe adapters are purchased separately.
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