Just got my e-mail from a Bryan Claus @vapexhale.com
I registered my information with the site it sent me to. Just waiting back on my confirmation. To be honest, when I first saw the subject line "It's your turn to order your VapeXhale Cloud" I thought it was some sort of mirage or evil...
I got my warranty charger replacement in the mail yesterday. After giving all my batteries a full charge, and the TV1 some cleaning love, I was re-united with my beloved portable! I had been using my MFLB in the interim and it just hadn't been getting me to where I wanted to be.
I don't...
So I made some pretty nice Iso hash that came out with a really glassy texture. This stuff would otherwise be super difficult for me to dab, thankfully the revolution makes using this stuff a breeze. FWIW I have been using a leather awl from a fabric store as my dabber. Its got a nice long...
I have one of the non-stick tools. They are pretty cool, but that being said a dental pick would work equally as well. For the sticky iso hash I am usually producing it makes a bit of a mess. I think even a paperclip by being thinner would work better in some situations.
Thaaaaaat being...
So I pre-ordered in August of 2010 and still won't get the tube I initially wanted:cry: ?
I fully understand the limited production, but I thought the Sovereignty package stopped being available for pre-order after all hypothetical tubes had been hypothetically accounted for (two years ago)...
I feel like every single time there is an update I panic.
So I pre-ordered in August of 2010 and put myself down for a sovereignty tube. Correct me if I am wrong, but if we now switch to chronological order (and I still haven't gotten an invite) is there a possibility I won't get the tube I...
Thank you!!!
Very helpful having those pictures. I feel like I am going to spend hour after hour trying out all of the different combinations :science: On second thought, I shouldn't have asked for the pictures, I want a HI even more now...
iloveb00bs, would you be able to explain the differences among the most common stem variations. I am sure my number is far from being around the corner, but it would be nice to know.
PM sent... add me to the list of those waiting for a HI.
Can these units be left on 24/7 or is that a hazard gives its high temperatures? Also are there options for stem configuration at the point of sale? There has been a lot of variety and I honestly don't think I could quite tell the...
Just clarifying. I figured that would be the answer, but I wanted to be sure. Tried it out last night with a mini iso run. I threw a little ball of iso in the Rev and was absolutely amazed by how great it tasted and how easy this device was to use.
Another dumb question:
When you top-load the revolution are you just removing the black mouthpiece, or are you removing the top of the two metal pieces making up the revolution? Mine arrived in the mail today and I can't wait to make another ISO run so I have some testing supplies:science:
I couldn't find the answer to my question...I admit I may not have mastered this new search function.
Anyways, will a ClearDome stem (PD style tip) fit into the new CRZ?
Really really interested in one of these...
Would an old PD stem fit into this, or could it be made to fit? I ask this because I have some nice ClearDome glass stems that I would hate to part with.
E-mail sent.
All I can say is WOW... Above and beyond the call of duty for customer service :rockon: . I think this speaks volumes of how strongly Thermovape stands behind their product.
Hey there everyone,
Silly question. Has anyone else had trouble with their charger suddenly dying on them? I went to charge my batteries today and nothing :( Super bummed about this since I JUST placed an order for my Revolution a few days ago. Had I known this would happen I would have...
I have eliminated the power supply as best I can (given no understanding of electrical engineering as it seems many people here have). I have a PD myself and it works perfectly on her power supply. Also, we keep a backup power adapter in case either of our's breaks; my PD works perfectly with...
Did you use anything in particular to purge the ISO? I will usually evaporate most of the ISO off with a blow-dryer before putting it in the oven for 5 minutes. Then I put it into the freezer to harden and scrape easier.
That ISO shatter looks beautiful :drool: