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  1. VaporEyes

    Gn0me or Vapocane B

    Having owned both, I suggest the GnOme over the vapocane.
  2. VaporEyes

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    From my understanding, according to Troi, the Cloud can not be sold under MSRP. The distributor can include any accessories/store credit/whatever they deem fitting, as long as the price of the Cloud is unaffected.
  3. VaporEyes

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    That is so the MV can maintain the desired temperature.
  4. VaporEyes

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    It's going to be a big step-up from the HA; I can tell you that much. Welcome to the ranks, Live-N-Learn. :rockon:
  5. VaporEyes

    Vaponic Herbal Vaporizer

    The vaponic should never be used with out it's outer tube. Doing such would defeat it's whole design. The ubie can be used in a convection-like manner(although not very well). Requires some screens and trial and error but it is possible.
  6. VaporEyes

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    That "beeping"("whirring" is what I'd call it) is actually the unit going through heat cycles. When it senses that it's below the specified temperature, it will do that.
  7. VaporEyes

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    An "old model" Cloud upgraded to +, actually. Hope VXL is able to answer your question better than myself.
  8. VaporEyes

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    I have no "plastic" in between my cloud "core" and heat cover. Looks as if it may be a spacer used to properly position the heat cover that wasn't removed before shipping.
  9. VaporEyes

    Silly idea

    I have established a room on tinychat for all FC members who wish to participate.
  10. VaporEyes

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    Truth is stranger than fiction, as they say :shrug:. Purely conjecture here but does S4L have some older batteries/units from MV? May have received that instead of a more up to date version?
  11. VaporEyes

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    Definitely seems like a power supply issue. I've had the MV do the same when I had run the battery too low. I'd say the batteries are the culprits here.
  12. VaporEyes

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    Very perplexing how your unit(s) seem incapable of proper function with the battery. Have you spoken with Jorge about this? Hate to see a minivap not reaching it's full potential and satisfying it's user.
  13. VaporEyes

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    I invert my Cloud from time to time and have never had a cap fall. They are significantly more loose after cleaning though. Perhaps you may need to "dirty" the cap a little to prevent this.
  14. VaporEyes

    Silly idea

    I may get a tinychat room set up for FC members later on today after I'm home.
  15. VaporEyes

    Looking for a flame based back up

    I wonder if running the vapman "dry" before first use would cause this to occur. If it does, that would prevent the burnt wood taste from getting into your vapor when you actual have it loaded.
  16. VaporEyes

    Looking for a flame based back up

    I think as long as you'd have some form of protective case for the GnOme the fragility of it shouldn't be a problem. If you are looking for a flame-based vaporizer that can take a beating, there are about three(that I'm aware of). The lotus, the vaporgenie, or the Supreme vaporizer. I own the...
  17. VaporEyes

    Going back to smoking...So different...

    Having vaped for so long; I don't think there is anyway I could go back. There is no pleasure to be had with smoking(for myself). The taste is acrid, the smoke irritates my entire respiratory system, odor clings to everything... just too many negative aspects...
  18. VaporEyes

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    The Cloud truly is something that needs to be experienced to be believed. :haw:
  19. VaporEyes

    Good alternative sites?

    I think FC's got that covered too. ShipDit and mvapes, I'm looking at you. :cool:
  20. VaporEyes

    Good alternative sites?

    I don't think you're going to find another site with such a diversified/knowledgeable community as this one. From what I see, the "law of the land" here is very fair. Refrain from attacking users, vapes/their manufactures("constructive" criticism is fine), and don't discuss moderators/moderation...
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