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  1. Lostclusters

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Is there a WIKI page yet?
  2. Lostclusters

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    Gratz Ca5h. I am sure you will be pleased. I look forward to reading your appraisal.
  3. Lostclusters

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    That video must have been setup to show the very worst scenario. Cleaning has been fairly light. Once the ABV is discarded a dry qtip around the inside of the bowl and across the lid screen is all that is really needed in the short term. I would not say the Teflon will not hold on to the...
  4. Lostclusters

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    In am used to using the MiniVap with the pollen cup and my flowers. I'll bet there is even less drag with no pollen cup.
  5. Lostclusters

    Davinci by Karma

    The opened unit clearly shows the high temp insulation over the plastic coated wires. What do you think is happening to that plastic once the high temp insulation heats up and the temperature of that plastic gets up to about 250 degrees F?
  6. Lostclusters

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    Slide PM'd me this today.
  7. Lostclusters

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    Slide has gotten back to me on the rumored heater mod. I was told that there is no mod to the heater coming.
  8. Lostclusters

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    Slide is still not able to post, he has not gotten a reply from the moderators yet. However he has answered some of my questions (through PM) and is working on the rest. On the question about the heater construction: Heater is made from ceramic with stainless steel electrodes. The...
  9. Lostclusters

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    @Slide - I vaguely remember reading about an upgrade to the heater of the miniVap in the works. What can you tell us about that.
  10. Lostclusters

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    @Ragin - What setting do you primarily use, violet, or green? I seem to have to use green for any substantial vapor. I do get some light vapor on violet but it is kind of light and wispy. @Slide - Same question. Should I get a decent vapor cloud on violet? I seem to only get that on green...
  11. Lostclusters

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    Well, welcome to the forum, Slide. I am glad you decided to make a presents here. You'd better don your flack jacket and helmet though, some here might press you a bit. I am sure the predominant question will be "What makes the miniVap worth so much money". There is no denying that it is...
  12. Lostclusters

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    I will post your vid here once you post it on youtube.
  13. Lostclusters

    Evolver Glass

    The Pics are on where?
  14. Lostclusters

    Evolver Glass

    Me too! I like your work. Although I just placed two orders with the 7th Floor :(
  15. Lostclusters

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    The mini seems to work best while the battery indicator is green. I know that seems obvious, but around the time the battery light changed from green to violet it stopped producing meaningful vapor. I put some of that older stuff I mentioned earlier back though it again after charging the...
  16. Lostclusters

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    Where did you get that info? I confirmed with Riche, when I made my purchase, that there is a three year warrantee that included that battery with sixty day 100% money back guarant.
  17. Lostclusters

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    It just changed.
  18. Lostclusters

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    And the indicator light is still green.
  19. Lostclusters

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    I got about twelve ten minutes sessions on my battery and it seems to take longer to stop the green light from flashing.
  20. Lostclusters

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    Sorry for the lack of response but I have had my hands pretty full lately. This miniVap just knocks me on my butt every time I use it. V4L will probably beat me in putting up a vid. Put older flowers through the mini tonight and they did not vape very well. They do say THC degrades over time.
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