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  1. xRUFUSx

    Drill bit to make a female 14mm tapered hole for GonG parts

    I'm looking for what's described in the title. I want one to polish and make uniform my existing 14mm gong stuff, and make some holes in a wood stand for displaying bowl pieces, etc. I know I'd also need the opposite sex bit to make all my stuff truly uniform - we'll see if the price isn't...
  2. xRUFUSx

    PBW & the Chemistry of Clean

    After a PWB soak, I pour an inch into whatever coffee mugs are in my sink to pre-wash for stains and water spots. Nothing I've used works as well (except a fresh PBW solution lol). It also gets weird stains off my cheap (semi-porous) ceramic plates with almost no elbow grease.
  3. xRUFUSx

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    This caught my eye after inspecting the lower chamber:,1,4#cppd-4-5|null:1
  4. xRUFUSx

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    I've used these 14-18mm adapters and crammed a 6" piece of tubing on the little end, curved down in an upside-down "U" shape. Used a loose rubber band to help it keep it's shape. I was able to keep the ecig upright that way, putting the mouthpiece in the downward-facing tube end. 10 seconds...
  5. xRUFUSx

    MJ and Bipolar Disorder

    Data for the repository... Lamictal had a great stabilizing affect on me, though I largely lost the will to create music (ideas/phrases didn't linger in audio memory long enough to connect) and the ability to more freely associate things in general. TBH if somehow I had to kick my life into a...
  6. xRUFUSx

    BHO Thermos tek

    I should clarify: I only use 91% iso in jars atm because of reasons mentioned and $$ As for the thermos... I can't say it's safer than tubes. I only meant to say (wasn't specific) qwiso/jar method is safer than bho-tube-blasting because of the difference in fire hazard from the solvents...
  7. xRUFUSx

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    I fill my old school d020 an 1/8" above the perc slots with distilled h2o and add 4-5 drops of cranberry extract, and it stacks nice for about 10 dabs, then goes flat. I change water every 2-3 days and a $1 gallon of distilled lasts a month+! There's a bomb thread about that on FC somewhere...
  8. xRUFUSx

    BHO Thermos tek

    For safety and discretion, I decided to move from blasting to qwiso/jar methods. I miss how selective butane is, but I'd prefer not to regularly have to manage the inherent risks... The pros you mention for the thermos method make sense though; I'll be trying that in one of my next few batches...
  9. xRUFUSx

    MJ and Bipolar Disorder

    Apologies for walls of text, but sharing this type of experience is too fun. My will to rant is huge but I promise to try and keep it relevant and to avoid a certain preachy tone I'm guilty of when I get going in bipolar fashion. :) MJ can intensify my mania, and I have what's described as...
  10. xRUFUSx

    MJ and Bipolar Disorder

    I've been diagnosed with different bipolar i/ii w/w/out manic depression, depending on which doctor you ask. While I identify with some of those symptoms' descriptions, my self-diagnosis is less conventional. That's a different topic though. I think I fit the description of your post. I'm...
  11. xRUFUSx

    Winterization and Ethyl Alcohols

    So I did something weird, and got some weird results. The filtration process pictured above took too long through a single filter and the dry ice was about gone, and once the filtration process isn't cold, it's half-pointless. So for quality's sake I purged what had already cold-filtered (came...
  12. xRUFUSx

    Winterization and Ethyl Alcohols

    I read read read but when it's time to ask a question and hope for a human response, I come here. @farscaper thanks!!
  13. xRUFUSx

    Winterization and Ethyl Alcohols

    When winterizing, is it ok to sprinkle some dry ice dust on the coffee filters to ensure that the filtration happens cold? My freezer's too small and I'm looking at using a cooler and dry ice to try this (again). Anyone know if mixing the bho solvent (alcohol post-chill) and dry ice is...
  14. xRUFUSx

    Getting off Tobbaco

    Nicotine constricts blood vessels. Compromised circulation makes the heart work harder and can make for some labored breathing... I don't mean to negate what you're saying, just adding some info. I hate that I need nic.
  15. xRUFUSx

    Discontinued Vapolution 2.0

    Enjoying some "Dutch Treat" while infusing "Pinneapple Chunk." Please tell your superiors that we demand they buy you an 1/8 of some good wax, or at least some bulk full-melt. :) For research. The old FC deal showed me to the light of direct-draw. I would have never believed the taste...
  16. xRUFUSx

    Discontinued Vapolution 2.0

    Whenever my draw is too tight, I blame @stickstones ! :goat: Left hand palming the VAP2 w/index on the AIWB carb, right hand on the mouse. It's becoming normal for me. I'm torn on the infuser. The concept is great, but I notice some significant flavor loss running the vapor through herbs...
  17. xRUFUSx

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    @063_XOBX Call your bank (business hours) or Card Services (# back of card) to make sure there's no hold on your card you don't know about. I had this situation a month ago - card stopped working mysteriously. Called and found out there was suspicious activity (someone tried to "swipe" my card...
  18. xRUFUSx

    Discontinued Vapolution 2.0

    Are you trolling or is this an isolated facetious comment? I'd like to mention I've observed the DBV thread get derailed by that kind of tone, after people respond to the attitude. Seems more likely to happen in a product thread... imo an expression of fanboism in general. Resentment breeds...
  19. xRUFUSx

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    I just got my Kathy Hu HC bubbler today (ordered 2/24), but only 4 or 5 of the tiny holes are passing air/water, resulting in some horrible drag. I've done a 15 minute soak with boiling water and PBW, no improvement yet. Anyone else receive practically non-functioning honeycomb pieces from...
  20. xRUFUSx

    Da Buddha

    True connoisseurs wouldn't want their hit diffused by a hot metal screen I think. At least not the ones that know better. I agree!
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