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  1. VapeAir 2000

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    I am surprised not many people mod the fan. If anyone has let me know I am interested in upgrading the fan in the Q. I took mine apart they come apart very easy and the fan in mine is a Brushless Delta Electronics DC BFB0412HA blower fan. Sort of happy I did this the fan was full of old herb and...
  2. VapeAir 2000

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    I have had my EQ for a while now, I vape mainly around 205c-210c and sometimes I like to get a huge thick cloud and go to 240c. Just know the higher you go with temps the faster you will cash the bowl and the more active components in the weed will be delivered. During the day if you need your...
  3. VapeAir 2000

    FlowerMate Vapormax V/V5.0/V5.0S/V5 Pro

    Vape Dr. I can't wait for your review, I don't think you will be disappointing going by the few Youtube videos I seen of it other then no temp control. Also many others have commented under the videos praising it as well. I rather read a review from someone here on FC as I would take the post...
  4. VapeAir 2000

    Discontinued Dragon Lite Portable

    If it was not for the DL I may have never gotten any vaporizer at all. While doing some searching about vaporizers I happen to see many times people posting about how some do not like a vape high. That put me off buying an expensive vaporizer as I had no idea if I would like it at all. Lots of...
  5. VapeAir 2000

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    200-210c and so far the cotton has not ignited, anything past 210c may cause the cotton to ignite. I pack just the cotton in the elbow screen and the cotton still comes out mostly white except where the residue was.
  6. VapeAir 2000

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    Only had the Q for a few weeks and so far only cleaned it once. I just took some cotton swabs and cleaned and scraped the elbow and some of the tubing as best I could. I then took the cotton off the stick and did an elbow pack with the cotton. It took a long time to vape it all and I got a ton...
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