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  1. Florence

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    So I finally got my Evo in the mail. Took 30 days from the time I ordered. Sadlapi However, the tube was pretty much garbage. It looked like it had been used, and was made very poorly, tons of scuffs, bubbles in the glass, and imperfections, the whole piece was cloudy the glass was so bad. The...
  2. Florence

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    To me, It seems like the Volcano would be a better large party piece. The chamber holds more herb, and the large bags can be easily passed around. Nothing really to worry about breaking in a party setting and the base unit is very sturdy and wide. The Evo can be great for large groups too...
  3. Florence

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    I assume there will be a natural variance in the thickness of each piece, so printing something that's exact down to the hindredth of an inch may not be the best idea if that's the case. You would want a hole slightly larger than all the nails to accommodate for natural variance. Unless they are...
  4. Florence

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Take a piece of string. Wrap it around the nail. Tada. There's your measurement. Vxl also sells a wooden nail stand on their website for a fair price, looks easy enough to make out of wood though. Unless you really need ultra precise measurements to make a stand.
  5. Florence

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    The swagger tubes seem to be higher quality and I like the lack of logos all over the tubes, rather just one clean logo. I'd love a swagger over the sidecar style. But, If you message them, most business will still give you the sale if you are close or started working with them while the sale...
  6. Florence

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Thanks. Guess that's what I'll have to do. FedEx store is only 10 min from where its being sent so that wouldn't be an issue, Never sent things via FedEx, learn new stuff every day I guess.
  7. Florence

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Aw dang. FedEx updated their tracking info, guess its set to arrive the weekend I'm out of town. Since its signature required, I think they will attempt delivery a few times then return it to the sender, is that right? Sigh, I'd have had paid for faster shipping if I knew when they where...
  8. Florence

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Anyone remember what the holiday bundle came with? How many screens, nails, etc. Or any screenshots of the deal advertising? Side note: bout 20 days after ordering, I got an email saying it shipped and gave me a shipping number. It only says "turbine starter kit" as shipped item, thus why I'm...
  9. Florence

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    The whistling is normal sadly. The turbulence in the bamboo (glass tube) causes the whistle when you hit peak resonance. Some people strap cheesecloth over the entrance to the glass on the bottom of the vape to help minimize it. But its not the HT's doing it, but the nature and design of the...
  10. Florence

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Just got another email from them, They didn't answer any of my concerns, nor did they say when it could be expected to ship or elaborate further. They did however tell me that it indeed didn't ship yesterday like they said it would. Guess I'll just have to give up trying to get any useful...
  11. Florence

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Yea, I fully understand that. I figure they must have a decent idea or better knowledge of when they can start fulfilling orders again, or when their supplier can supply... They should pass their knowledge onto their customers, or try and be a bit more specific about whats going on. The only...
  12. Florence

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    I've been having really bad luck getting information about shipping, all I've been told is there is delays with their supplier or something to that regard. I was told a few days ago my kit would ship yesterday, but alas, no shipping confirmation. Haven't been able to get any reliable or accurate...
  13. Florence

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Well I'm new here, obviously, lol. I'm writing really to see if anyone else has had/is having issues with Vxl right now? I ordered me a Holiday bundle for a nice price of 375$ which I think is fair. Did a lot of research on it and the various tubes. Sadly, after I clicked "buy" things went...
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