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  1. M

    Discontinued Haze Square

    will these be available with the unit if i purchase or only as an accessory. This primarily addressed to Haze Vaporizers but anyone . else feel free to answer as well Have a few questions ( in no particular order) 1. No shipping or handling charges ? now only or for ever. relevant for...
  2. M

    Discontinued Haze Square

    decided against herbalizer- prob great unit - but quality issues w parts - and as comapany is closed- no guarantee re parts etc availability. so now the front runners are HSq, Plenty and perhaps GMV1 ( getting better reviews now) any suggestions from people who have tried at least two my goal...
  3. M

    Discontinued Haze Square

    Hi new to forum and to vaping Currently using a Pax 2 with some hacks ( sandwich 0.07g between two 3D screens and then use the vented lid with screw on 3D screen -my thinking is this adds an element of convection to s conduction vape ) Looking for a good on demand option Options Haze square...
  4. M

    Discontinued Pax 2

    Hi new to forum and to vaping Using pax 2 for the last 2-3 months now ( already with one factory repair replacement ). Generally pretty happy with it. I use it in the following manner In oven Layer 1: 3D screen Layer 2: just enough finely ground herb to layer everything -no exposed metal ...
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