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  1. Redline

    Tetra P80

  2. Redline

    Tetra P80

    Woah, which mouth piece is this??
  3. Redline

    Tetra P80

    I snagged a pre-built! Hopefully I was first to check out. I'm honestly not sure which one I even bought lol was trying to checkout as quick as possible. Maybe @funkyjunky can post pics of them lol
  4. Redline

    Tetra P80

    Sorry one last question on batteries. So the other ones I have are Efest IMR 35A 3000mah and it says they are max 20A continuous discharge. Would these be just fine to use in the p80? Thanks again for helping me guys, I appreciate it.
  5. Redline

    Tetra P80

    Sweet thanks! So do you think the batteries I bought off of amazon are fine?
  6. Redline

    Tetra P80

    Well I know I didnt change any of the settings, I just got it. So I bought some more 30Q samsung batteries hoping they work better, they say they're only 15A as well, but isnt that what he sells on his site with the tetras?
  7. Redline

    Tetra P80

    I dont :( but I ordered more of the 30qs from that site.
  8. Redline

    Tetra P80

    Oh ok but shouldnt the watts be higher? When it was on cruise it was getting below 10 watts?
  9. Redline

    Tetra P80

    Oh ok, well that makes me feel better. Ya it was just the one bowl. Tried a few hits on demand and then finished it with the cruise mode.
  10. Redline

    Tetra P80

    Ok awesome, thank you very much for your help. You dont think I ruined anything using those batteries do you?
  11. Redline

    Tetra P80

    Ok, just tried, and this is getting 70w with that battery, looks like I need to order more. Do you recommend just getting some from that link you posted, and the 30qs?
  12. Redline

    Tetra P80

    Is it safe to use 35A batteries? I just remember reading to only use 20A ones?
  13. Redline

    Tetra P80

    They are Efest 35A 3000mah
  14. Redline

    Tetra P80

    Oh ok so maybe order some from your second link? I have some others for another vape mod but they're like 35a.
  15. Redline

    Tetra P80

    Ya it says .232 under the battery lid. When I use on demand and hold it hovers around 15-22w. Not sure how to read the amps?
  16. Redline

    Tetra P80

    Dang something is wrong then, because the nub gets super hot, and the body is pretty warm.
  17. Redline

    Tetra P80

    These are the batteries I bought
  18. Redline

    Tetra P80

    Yes I read the manual multiple times. I use the batteries he recommends the 30qs, brand new, fully charged. I wanted to know if it was normal to get that hot, like if everyone's does that, or should I be concerned and actually mess with the ohms.
  19. Redline

    Tetra P80

    I do know that watts are at 70, but not sure where to find TCR. Ya sorry, cruise mode.
  20. Redline

    Tetra P80

    Where it says under coil-manage. It says .232 with a lock next to it
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