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  1. pngwyn

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Anyone have any issues with ordering on the website? I pressed Confirm Order, but it's been loading forever :[ Nevermind I guess the site is down
  2. pngwyn

    Black Herb Iron Ceramic Lighter/Vaporizer

    I have a basically new Black Herb Iron.. it's in perfect and flawless condition and has only been used for about 2 weeks. The reason I am selling it is to actually buy a white one instead >.> I know it's a weird reason to wanna sell it, but I purchased it brand new off the HI site for $82...
  3. pngwyn

    7th Floor Water Pipe Adapter for LSV - 14mm

    bump please. vapornation doesn't give free shipping unless you order over $50 I believe.
  4. pngwyn

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Wow you're right man!!!! It couldn't be because people are simply happy with their SG purchase. :rolleyes:
  5. pngwyn

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Totally, nice observation. Am I supposed to feel ashamed? Steve makes the best glass :tup: proud to be a fanboy. You go on and on about how SG is overhyped, but hype comes from's certainly not unfounded. That's the last I'll say.
  6. pngwyn

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Uhh plenty of used stemlines sell for that price. Maybe on a select few sites? How about the main glass trading forum on the net (BM)? I never claimed SG is indestructible, but just because your friend broke his base doesn't really mean anything. Glass breaks if you aren't careful with it...
  7. pngwyn

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Not absurd at all. In fact your buddy can resell that for at least $350 probably. SG holds it's value like crazy, if I ever decide to sell any of my SG pieces I can do so with very minimal loss. Show me what other glass holds it's value like SG? Why does it hold it's value? Because it's quality...
  8. pngwyn

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Sorry when I said SG was making tubes for VXC I meant hydratubes... thought it was pretty much a given hehe. Why wouldn't you want a SG HT.. afaik they were the same price (?). I disagree with Sov being overhyped.. hyped maybe, but not overly so. Steve at SG is still one of the best if not THE...
  9. pngwyn

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    For people who already own the Cloud, I'm curious.. do you find yourself using the HT more, or your own glass? I guess this would depend what kind of glass you already own... I think a lot of my glass is superior to the HT designs, it's a shame you can't buy the Cloud standalone. On the same...
  10. pngwyn

    14mm Black Leaf J-Hook Bubbler Adapter for Ashcatchers

    Bump please! Someone's gotta need this :)
  11. pngwyn

    14mm Black Leaf J-Hook Bubbler Adapter for Ashcatchers

    Sold all my 14mm glass, and I have a nice Black Leaf J-Hook Bubbler which I purchased online for around $40 after shipping. Product is in excellent condition and will be cleaned 100% before shipping. Just asking $20 + $5 shipped via USPS.
  12. pngwyn

    Hops 13-Slit Inline Ashcatcher 14mm w/ Bubbler Adapter

    I do realize it greatly devalues the $ I ask. I paid $220 after tax and shipping and I'm asking nearly 30% less than the original price due to this small defect. Like I said I would keep using it myself if I wasn't switching to 18mm, there's no reason I need keep it. I'm not selling it because...
  13. pngwyn

    Life Saber (LSV) by Elev8 Vehicles

    I received my new SG Mini King yesterday! Very pleasurable hits with the LSV :smug:
  14. pngwyn

    Space Case 4 Piece Medium Titanium Black Grinder

    So I am actually going to keep this after all. Just a heads up the Space Case LARGE is a complete gimmick in my opinion. You get the benefit of a larger space case, but the hole size is increased, and the teeth per square inch is reduced, therefore you get a less fine grind as a result...
  15. pngwyn

    Space Case 4 Piece Medium Titanium Black Grinder

    For sale is a Space Case 4 Piece Grinder that comes in Titanium black. This is an official Space Case grinder with Lifetime Manufacturer's warranty. (diameter 2.5") For those of you skeptical whether or not a Space Case is worth it, I personally think it is. It's easily (imo) the best grinder...
  16. pngwyn

    7th Floor Water Pipe Adapter for LSV - 14mm

    Hi guys, I recently changed all my glass to 18mm and don't foresee myself turning back to 14mm. That said, I have a good as new 14mm Water Pipe Adapter for the LSV that I no longer need. A brand new one off their site costs about $34 after tax and shipping, and this is the same piece. I will...
  17. pngwyn

    Hops 13-Slit Inline Ashcatcher 14mm w/ Bubbler Adapter

    bump price the same, but I will throw in the $35 j-hook that I bought (was asking $20 for it, now free). So total price is $150 + shipping, and you get the A/C as well as the j-hook bubbler adapter. Please contact me if you're interested.. Price is totally negotiable. I just don't want to...
  18. pngwyn

    Life Saber (LSV) by Elev8 Vehicles

    I think you're probably right.. it makes sense. Does the size of the WPA correlate with how much you have to stir then? 18mm being more stirring involved? Silly I got my 18mm WPA first and my 18mm glass is still on the way so I can't test it myself yet :P
  19. pngwyn

    Life Saber (LSV) by Elev8 Vehicles

    Nah not necessary, thanks for the quick answer :)
  20. pngwyn

    Life Saber (LSV) by Elev8 Vehicles

    I had a quick question about the WPA adapters. I just received an 18mm WPA, and the hole is pretty much the same size (if not a little smaller) as my 14mm WPA. I imagined the hole would be bigger, but for some reason there seems like there's a huge choke on my 18mm WPA (probably more than...
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