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  1. rekrab

    The Arizer Air

    Thanks @OF I will give her a go
  2. rekrab

    The Arizer Air

    so Im not sure if anyone else has this problem or im just doing something wrong. but i cant seem to get the timing very good for turning the unit on. I hold both up and down for 3 secs at least then a bright blue light flashes without turning on. then i hold again for same 3 secs or so and the...
  3. rekrab

    The Arizer Air

    fuck those condoms though eh, they are so damn hard to get off.
  4. rekrab

    The Arizer Air

    holllly tits. you guys werent kidding. this thing is small. canada post is retarded though wont ship my air on a Friday but decide its necessary to deliver it on sunday morning? since when do they even work weekends. anyway stoked to have this baby in my hands. I cant believe the clouds it...
  5. rekrab

    The Arizer Air

    has anyone tried putting different e cig mouthpieces in the new stem to replace the plastic one. or is it a weird size
  6. rekrab

    The Arizer Air

    I as well jumped on the deal last second late last night. Glad I did, I was figuring that would be the lowest price we will see for a while especially with free express shipping. Ooooooooo I'm excited
  7. rekrab

    Discontinued Indica Vaporizer

    ok i did an iso clean in the vapor path and did a 3/4 fill and less pack with the spacer and achieved cloudage on green. I will just keep experimenting and try a few without the spacer. thanks for the input guys
  8. rekrab

    Discontinued Indica Vaporizer

    ya dry grind just like i use for my mflb solo etc. always dry and fine.i will try loading a little less and using it straight up thanks for the help
  9. rekrab

    Discontinued Indica Vaporizer

    Im having a little trouble getting consistent clouds. im using good flowers and have been loading to the top then adding the spacer it almost seems as im not getting enough airflow but then when i try with no pack it doesn't give me anything either, i just want to see clouds somewhat similar to...
  10. rekrab

    Discontinued Indica Vaporizer

    thanks @Ratchett that seemed to help a lot.
  11. rekrab

    Discontinued Indica Vaporizer

    pretty happy after my first few sessions. first bowl i packed maybe not tight enough. started on blue with little to no vapor and then kept bumping it up from their, purple and red gave me the best vapor obviously but just wondering what everyones loading style was like. do you put the spacer...
  12. rekrab

    Discontinued Indica Vaporizer

    thanks @Vape Dr. and @Shit Snacks just wanted to be sure. hopefully test her out for my night time sesh. after i do a burn off or two
  13. rekrab

    Discontinued Indica Vaporizer

    so is it done when the light goes completely out or just when its blue? or is it white-blue?haha
  14. rekrab

    Discontinued Indica Vaporizer

    I'm not burying the vape in snow. Just going skiing. It would be in a pocket or my backpack while not in use. I live in Canada the cold is inevitable so if it can't handle that then I'm not sure what to do. A couple bowls out in the bush shouldn't kill it. My solo has lasted some cold dog walks...
  15. rekrab

    Discontinued Indica Vaporizer

    just received my indica noir from @PuffItUp and am very excited to get her going but this initial 12 hour charge is busting my balls. Very fine looking unit, i was surprised on first touch at the weight she carries, feels robust. the size as well caught me off guard, very stealth. the snow is...
  16. rekrab

    any NHL fans here?

    big game here tonight there @2clicker lets see if miller can shutdown his old team
  17. rekrab

    any NHL fans here?

    Thanks for miller.were 2-0
  18. rekrab

    Divine Tribe atty's

    whats the best uses for the pancake coils. i notice they create a lot of heat on the unit, i tried some wax, not huge clouds but still medicated
  19. rekrab

    Arizer Solo

    Just got my open box solo. A little disappointed ordered a silver got a black. Still happy none the less. It is a new version so it charges and plays. Few bottom cracks but still a great deal from Puffitup
  20. rekrab

    Divine Tribe atty's

    Well these are some good Chinese. Anything I've gotten off fastest was garb glad your going that extra Step.
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