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  1. Jonah Hex

    Iolite vaporiser

    I can guarantee that once you empty your Iolite of that crappy Ronson butane and use Colibri or Vector, your unit will function properly. I was about to send mine back with the same problem as you and many others here who use that shit Ronson butane, but decided to order some Vector first. Empty...
  2. Jonah Hex

    Iolite vaporiser

    Thought some others might be interested in this. I weighed my Iolite without the herb chamber on a calibrated scale that reads to the tenth of a gram. It was 81.2 grams. I know it was completely empty of butane because I let it burn dry and then further depressed the fill valve when it cooled...
  3. Jonah Hex

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    :D:D:D Nice. Too bad the dark wood option is not available anymore as I would have preferred it. Cherry is nice too. I just have everything in cherry already. :peace:
  4. Jonah Hex


    It's not necessary when done the way I say. I've done it with the holes blocked as well. The "open" holes in the mouthpiece help to cool the vapor down before it enters your lungs as well as making the vapor "draw" easier. It's not mentioned in the instructions for these reasons. Works quite...
  5. Jonah Hex


    I'm late on here, been reading alot over the last week here. Registered to make this my first post. Bought a Iolite after reading about it here. I have had a Vapman for about the last 18 months. It takes a few days of playing with it to figure it out. You absolutely do "not" need to block any...
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