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  1. IntoTheVoid

    Dynavap VapCap

    I don’t clean my vapes before use the first time. I love residual materials lol. Tasty tasty. Lol Taste the sarcasm
  2. IntoTheVoid

    Dynavap VapCap

    Exactly, many people don’t realize the high you get from smoking also has to do with the fact that you’re inhaling smoke and your lungs are oxygen deficient. You can take all the good that weed has in it and just go stand in the doorway of a burning building and take a deep breath and get that...
  3. IntoTheVoid

    Dynavap VapCap

    I’m a bit confused how some folks are able to get 7 or even 8 heating cycles out of their VCs. I dare not go past 4 and the abv is black as night. Am I doing something wrong? I keep my bud at 62% humidity with a Boveda pack. Am I heating it too low on the cap? Are you guys only heating near...
  4. IntoTheVoid

    Canada MMJ Laws?

    You’re asking about transport MMJ but I don’t see where you’ve stated that you’re actually a person who’s prescribed MMJ by a legitimate doctor. Using MMJ for self medicating and being prescribed MMJ by a doctor are not the same. And since our legalization laws don’t go into effect until Oct...
  5. IntoTheVoid

    Dynavap VapCap

    The Dynavap is more of a punch to the head than other vapes. I have an ArGo, Sticky Brick Jr in addition to my Vaps and after a few pulls on my vap I can make a load go from Green and Sticky to almost black, but not charred. So I’m getting all the plant can give me really quick. Whereas on my...
  6. IntoTheVoid

    Arizer ArGo

    Why not just clean it as directed if any herb hits the chamber? I’ve travelled a lot with vaporizers via air, from Canada to th US and back. They are not in the least bit concerned with herbal vapes. They don’t even ask to see them most of the time, and when they do, I just tell them it’s a...
  7. IntoTheVoid

    Arizer ArGo

    Ok I kinda wanna try that now. Can I use the included screens or do I need to buy larger ones?
  8. IntoTheVoid

    Arizer ArGo

    A full stem takes me about 3, 5 minute sessions to kill, but the first is the only real flavour session. I don’t hold expectations over the subsequent sessions after the first. Just wanna medicate and get my back pain under control. When I really want a flavour session I just go to my Sticky...
  9. IntoTheVoid

    Arizer ArGo

    It’s different for me I guess. I find I can get a solid session regardless of if I fill the stem all the way, and take a few sessions to kill it, or fill it 1/4 the way to microdose off it and finish in one session. The 1/4 pack method takes a few extra slow hits to bring the temp into the bud...
  10. IntoTheVoid

    Arizer ArGo

    I agree about the pop top. I do use mine but I feel the mouthpiece is in far enough that for general use and carry you don’t need to pop it up. Maybe in a messenger bag or pack just to keep it safe from chipping. But otherwise it’s kinda not needed.
  11. IntoTheVoid

    Arizer ArGo

    My Argo has proved durable and efficient compared to other battery powered session vapes. Not as efficient as my wax pen or my Sticky Brick Jr, but for a session vape it’s great. It does conduct heat between hits but I seem to be able to get 3-4, 5 minute sessions on one full load. I mainly use...
  12. IntoTheVoid

    PAX 3 by PAX Labs

    I meant “Flavor profile” as in the setting you can activate in the app that Ploom states is more on demand. As in it ramps as you inhale.
  13. IntoTheVoid

    PAX 3 by PAX Labs

    How many sessions do you typically get from a packed oven ? I want to get a pax 3 but even with the half pack oven door I think it's just too much. I had a similar issue with the IQ so i gave it to my brother. I'm using an Argo as my DD at the moment and have a OmniVap and Sticky Brick Jr, so I...
  14. IntoTheVoid

    Arizer ArGo

    If pulling the stem is a hassle, just turn the power off on your final inhale and the device will cool as you inhale. It’s pretty easy and worry free this way. I’d pull the stem but I’m more worried about dropping it and it breaking. ArGo is good at even cooking and conserving material. Better...
  15. IntoTheVoid

    Arizer ArGo

    I just load a stem, set temp to whatever I’m feeling (daytime is lower temp for a more functional high, evening I crank it up for a heavy stone) and have the session timer set to 5 minutes. I take however many hits I’m in the mood for, no special way, and just inhale normally. On my last hit, I...
  16. IntoTheVoid

    Arizer ArGo

    Just got my Argo today. Other than a “error 2” message when I plugged it in (search revealed a charging cable issue among users), but a change of cable to a better one I already had fixed the problem, it’s a stellar vape. Gets a little warm but nothing that bothers me. I had an IQ when they...
  17. IntoTheVoid

    Sticky Brick Junior by Sticky Brick Labs

    I usually get a dark coffee bean colour as long as I’m trying to get all I can from a bowl. Other times I’ll stop at light brown. Depends on how I’m feeling. It’s easier with a full chamber too. It spreads the heat more evenly. I try to always use it on a full chamber to get even and full...
  18. IntoTheVoid

    Dynavap titanium spinning mouthpiece reservation thread

    Your avatar dude! Crew Jones would be proud!
  19. IntoTheVoid

    Dynavap titanium spinning mouthpiece reservation thread

    Can I get mine on an XL condenser? Wanna put it on my M.
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