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  1. Wolf46

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    no no the screen is ok now, i put it in place, but the gh doesn't produce vapor at all? read my previous post.
  2. Wolf46

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    guys i have a little problem with my grasshopper. the filter in the herb chamber (the one with the 3 little metal "feet") probably detached during the expedition and now i cannot put in the right place, any suggestion? can i use the grasshopper without the filter inside the chamber or is a mess...
  3. Wolf46

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    guys, finally my titanium grasshopper arrive to destination and i want to know how to do a burn in... it turn off after a couple of second of not-hitting, so how can i do a classic burn in like the solo? i tried with max temp and many on and off but i don't if this is enough... thanks in advance...
  4. Wolf46

    The Grasshopper Shipping Poll

    my 24 august 2015 order is still far away :cry:
  5. Wolf46

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    Glad to see that most of you guys have received the GH. Can i ask at the european guys how much do you pays for the taxes from the usa? Thanks and sorry for my bad english.
  6. Wolf46

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    guys, can you tell me if this battery charger is good for the gh battery? thanks in advance.
  7. Wolf46

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    all hail the doctor for this amazing report:clap:
  8. Wolf46

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    I live in italy and all this failure gh make me really scary...the expedition return cost/time for me are really high and the vaporizer seems to be less reliable then what i thought... Maybe the right thing for me is to ask a refound and wait until the gh became REALLY flawless... Sorry for my...
  9. Wolf46

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    It's magnificent, i absolutely want one of this grinder.
  10. Wolf46

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    i guys, i want to ask you one thing. but is true that the "waiters" like me (ordered 24 august and still waiting with at least 4-5 delivery date modifications) have an extra free battery when the pack finally arrive? i remember incorrectly?! thanks in advance.
  11. Wolf46

    The Grasshopper Shipping Poll

    my estimated ship date just changed from october to november:wave:
  12. Wolf46

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    welcome to the club:D
  13. Wolf46

    The Grasshopper Shipping Poll

    thanks man. i have to calculate the tax for my TI GH with a spare battery, reading your experience is a relief, the tax are lower than i expected...
  14. Wolf46

    Alfa Vaporizer by goboof

    no strange taste with mine too.
  15. Wolf46

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    yeah, what you said!
  16. Wolf46

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    for mr me 2: yeah but the chamber of the grasshopper is lined and the weed is not in direct contact with the metal. a little conduction is there with no doubt, but is less than a chamber with the weed in direct contact with the metal. you inhale and the hot air pass through the herb, then shut...
  17. Wolf46

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    very very good, so less waste of herb with conduction.
  18. Wolf46

    Alfa Vaporizer by goboof

    good for you, i don't have to much weed unfortunately so i rarely vape a full bowl:ugh:
  19. Wolf46

    Alfa Vaporizer by goboof

    remember the double screen sandwitch method for the best results.
  20. Wolf46

    The Grasshopper Shipping Poll

    i have recently buyed an doesn't help a lot (very good device but the GH monkey is still up my back:ugh:)
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