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  1. nao12000

    Discontinued The GotVape Aroma Classic

    Yes the $9.95 is the shipping fee..
  2. nao12000

    Discontinued The GotVape Aroma Classic

    Ok I looked before I posted I couldnt find a post on this vaporizer. I made the mistake of buying an Aroma Classic. Yes, I know I should of known better but I was trying to save money. Here is my story.. I bought an Aroma classic thinking that I was buying a good Vaporbrothers replacement...
  3. nao12000

    Smart phones....what do you have? What do you like?

    I have a HTC EVO 4G which I LOVE !! it is my mini computer. I havent had any issues with it.:)
  4. nao12000

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    Very nice pics !! Cool looking vape!
  5. nao12000

    Obscure and Obsolete Vapes

    We didnt see any smoke it just smelled like plastic when she turned it on. burning plastic smell so I was turned off.
  6. nao12000

    Vaporbrothers Vaporizer

    i think they offer a great deal! when I first got mine I had a friend over and he blew the air into the heating element with the hydrator kit attached needless to say we had water driping out the bottom and sizzle no more heat !! i called them up and returned it no questions asked:) About a...
  7. nao12000

    Montell Williams Dispensary

    Has anyone been to the new dispensary Montel Williams is part owner of ? It sounds really nice and upscale flat fee fer meds and on-site lab to test all meds.. But Williams, 54, said he felt dispensaries were not up to snuff. His new dispensary resembles a doctor's office where patients are...
  8. nao12000

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Vaporpedia: Magic-Flight launch Box Usage & Technique Third, review the videos by JDSupreme and Vitolo: Keys to perfect vaporization Getting clouds through lung capacity As Seek pointed out, there is also a chance that your LB is running too cool. If the techniques above aren't working for...
  9. nao12000

    Obscure and Obsolete Vapes

    after looking up Skyda I called her to let her know she shouldnt use it . Inside the package it said assembeld her in the USA. I dont trust it though. i feel bad $150 down the drain!! :/ Thank you for the information..
  10. nao12000

    just broke up with someone i still love

    I am not sure if its true but they say it takes half the time you were together to get fully away from the other person that you were with. Even if she broke it off wtih you she is still going through the same sense of loss. Good Luck ! I think you have lots of sound advice here!!
  11. nao12000

    Obscure and Obsolete Vapes

    My friend just came over with her Nulite vaporizer. Has anyone had any experiance with one of these ? It looks like a Iolite but its battery operated. I thought great it looks like a cell phone we can vape out on the beach !! She turned it on and i immediatly smelled burning plastic so I opted...
  12. nao12000

    Herb Grinders

    I am still trying to get the MFLB Could my grind be too course ? Perhaps that is my problem I see here that everyone is using a very fine grind for the MFLB. Vito your using two grinders to get the right consistancy for the MFLB? Should the matter be a fine powder ? Please all advise is welcomed..
  13. nao12000

    Question about vapor and mflb

    I have been having these issues with my MFLB .. thankyou for the tips Qbit I will try these tips this weekend !! Hopefull I will find my zen..:D
  14. nao12000

    cool movies to watch vaped

    ^^ anything Tarrantino and the friday series are always good !!:D
  15. nao12000

    Welcome to Fuck Combustion...Tell us about yourself here!

    Hello all I am newly registered although I have been lurking for a few months. I am a medical user for severe back pain from an accident that happened a few years ago. I would rather vaporizer and consumer ediables than take large doses of pain killers. I currently own a MFLB and Vaporbrothers...
  16. nao12000

    Have Hookah Will Travel

    You must know my 19 year old son! His hooka is in the back sea of his Smart car.:lol: He would be very pleased to see others with a hooka while driving..
  17. nao12000

    Favorite Salads.........

    Chicken Ceaser salads are good on hot afternoons. beats the hot stve being on!
  18. nao12000

    Anyone else enjoy a scented candle while vaping?

    I love Partylight honeydew scented candles! The whole house ends up smelling like the melon:D
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