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  1. tb42091

    710 coils

    Just an FYI your site is down. doesnt work for me right now. I also am quite interested in the 5 pin XLR 20mm coil that will fit in a flowerpot coil cover. I have 3 from china that are too large of an outer diameter so the coil cover doesn't fit.
  2. tb42091


    Been using a flowerpot for like 28 hours now, and because its still new I''m not touching my volcano much but I don't see it replacing my volcano outright. especially with my mods I'm planning on setting up for the volcano next week when I get my china glass. Definitely different beasts. When I...
  3. tb42091

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    The images are broken for me, but that's such a better idea. Did you drill it out so the cord and stuff sat inside of the wood or did you just wrap the dowel rod to it with the paracord? I feel like the flower pot should be what everyone who isn't sure vaporizing is for them vs combusting gets...
  4. tb42091

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    Haha I know I've been contemplating. I saw how NV made theirs and am thinking about getting a thin piece of wood, cutting it and screwing it at the corners around the coil as a handle. But for now, the silver part doesnt get hot so I've been grabbing by that/the cord and it's worked out well.
  5. tb42091

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    I ran to home depot this morning, was gonna grab a scrap piece of wood and drill a hole for a SS pipe for a stand but when I got to the store I found they had basically screw in stands already there. Spent under 30$ and ended up with the smaller stand for like 8$ and the larger stand for like...
  6. tb42091

    Arizer Solo

    The first like 2.5 weeks I had the solo I was on a road trip so I didn't have my bong with me to try the GonG stem, but I think that is quickly becoming my favorite. I can pretty well clear a stem in 4 or 5 pulls on 6.
  7. tb42091

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    Alright, I grabbed it from the mailbox almost an hour ago now. I guess chinese coils are a larger OD, so the coil cover doesnt quite work. Anyone else had this problem? Could someone link me a cheapish 20mm coil that works with the coil cover and is the 5 pin dnail style? Either way after...
  8. tb42091

    Arizer Solo

    Was considering getting a solo2 for the battery life as a natural progression of my VAS eventuall, but if it's really not that much better it sounds like a second solo might be a better option. Although I'm not sure getting a second solo will satisfy that VAS twinge, but worst comes to worst...
  9. tb42091

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    So VAS got the best of me, and with my enail sitting idle, it only cost me like 130 with shipping to get a FP SH. It's out for delivery right now and I hope it will be delivered in the next 2 or 3 hours. So excited! Also ordered some of those glass bowls from stevenlmz, so happy to hear they...
  10. tb42091


    I pack loose. Gives me less bags per pack but I think a more consistent extraction. Just ordered an 18mm vapexhale style glass piece from dhgate. Plan is similar to obsidian/magma attachment, put an o ring on the easy valve chamber nozzle, with a 14>18 adapter that fits right on the nozzle with...
  11. tb42091


    I didn't think the extra filtration was an intended purpose - I thought it was only to keep the water from dropping down into any of the bits and pieces. Any extra filtration is probably just unavoidable as the water really does it all, filters, cools and humidifies
  12. tb42091


    I thought the main advantage of obsidian vs magma was obsidian has the extra chamber to catch water so it doesn't flow back into the herb/volcano
  13. tb42091


    Yes its normal for the solid valve to just sit on without a click. Definitely one of the downsides of the solid valve IMO, though I imagine for someone with limited use of hands it would be helpful. Personally I've tried putting the liquid pad on top with little to no difference. I don't pack...
  14. tb42091

    Arizer Solo

    So I just got to use my solo for the first time today. Going to a bunch of concerts in WA, OR, CA and CO and knew I'd be driving through Utah and Idaho first and figured fresh, clean devices were the way to go and I left my volcano at home. Bought the solo after the price drop for home base and...
  15. tb42091


    As far as the dosing capsules go - it's your choice. I just bought a 40 pack for 14 bucks, so my plan is to keep getting them dirty until I have like 30 that need to be cleaned and then do an iso bath with all of them at once to be efficient. But at 14 bucks/40 and with arthritis it sounds like...
  16. tb42091


    I hope you are getting it this week, they listed on their website both the glass magma and the obsidian as back in stock yesterday! Sounds like the obsidian may be the way to go...really not wanting water to blowback into the herb or worse - the 'cano itself. Will probably have to wait until...
  17. tb42091


    Someone told me to turn on the pump for 5 seconds, then put the chamber on for 5 seconds, then connect the bag but I've found the more herb is in the chamber the longer I have to leave it on before connecting the bag. Sometimes even 10-15 seconds for a full, slightly packed solid valve chamber...
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