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  1. sarkunit

    CCA Liger banger V3.0

    THIS^^^^^^ Fancy controllers let you do fancy stuff, and that fancy stuff can translate to excellent repeatable dabs. It is not at all required, but it can give you that polish you desire. If the spending is worth that to you, upgrade. If not, just learn to use that analog like a pro and you...
  2. sarkunit

    How much bud do you vaporize in an average day of use?

    Hey, I get the goops when I vape too. It is much more intense with vaping than using concentrates, so I almost feel that it is harsher on my lungs. I can take a .15 g dab and get the same lung irritation as if I vaped only .3 of flower, but how could flower vapor be harsher than concentrated...
  3. sarkunit

    CCA Liger banger V3.0

    I am sorry to see all this but not surprised. I have moved on to quartz bangers, axial coils, and bubble caps honestly, due to the way I like to dab, but it is sad to see a nice concept ruined by these business practices. I am actually machining my own 20mm rig now, and will have to custom order...
  4. sarkunit

    What is your favorite thing to do after vaping?

    I have been learning to play guitar like Joe Pass. After 20 years shredding on a single scale like a dip stick I went online and started learning theory. Now Jazz is calling me, and the mixing of voice leading and dominant function are making my style so different from what it was. Vaping before...
  5. sarkunit

    How much bud do you vaporize in an average day of use?

    one sitting per four hours. I bounce between flower and concentrates because of the expense :)
  6. sarkunit

    How much bud do you vaporize in an average day of use?

    When I vape buds I vape at least .5g in a sitting. It takes that much to give me the THC high I am looking for, though the extra CBD and exotics in herb definitely make it a very tranquilizing experience compared to my normal dosing. I have done the yoyo, flower-concentrates-flower.
  7. sarkunit

    CCA Liger banger V3.0

    I think my "inner narrative" is telling me that it is your OPINION that the chad bro, when modified by a glass blower{ to show I now actually research posts and posters before giving them advice), is the best. I have tried to contact chadbro through messenger to no avail, so I am finding...
  8. sarkunit

    CCA Liger banger V3.0

    We were having a peaceful discussion between liger owners on how to use our inserts that we purchased through CCA before you chimed in. IF you think that is inappropriate, contact a moderator and they will help you censor us in a way they deem fair. I am not enjoying your feedback, nor tone. It...
  9. sarkunit

    CCA Liger banger V3.0

    I am starting to get good results with the liger using a huge 50 mm saucer cap. It seams to me that the biggest problem with the liger, besides the chambers dimensions ( I think deeper and narrower would be better, like a high walled 20mm or something), is getting a good seal on the banger. All...
  10. sarkunit

    CCA Liger banger V3.0

    I wanted to take a sec to state why I want a quartz walled carrier for my liger insert. I want that because the interface between cap and liger is atrocious, and also because I like the look. I don't care about the thermal performance of my bucket, because I control the temp dip by setting the...
  11. sarkunit

    CCA Liger banger V3.0

    We need to find out the wall thickness on the Galaxy 35mm. If it is 2 mm and the liger is actually 29, we have a fit. It looks exciting, and the price is very good on the galaxy 35mm. I am impressed if the function is as good as High 5 at least. Maybe I will pull the trigger, because a clear...
  12. sarkunit

    CCA Liger banger V3.0

    Can you guys recommend a banger to use for uptemps with a 30mm obsidian banger? I wanna jump on the bandwagon.
  13. sarkunit

    CCA Liger banger V3.0

    It may indeed just be because I like a higher temp dab, but I think the real important difference is the dimensions of the dabbing "chamber". The banger hits I am getting are q-tip'able and not too dark, in fact they are comparable to a liger dab that I hit for while trying to polish off. It...
  14. sarkunit

    CCA Liger banger V3.0

    I like where people are going with the idea of using our inserts inside classical bangers. After much experimentation I believe that the key to great dabs is heating a pool of oil and not having a thin sheet of oil spread out. I have been dabbing out of a twenty mm double thick walled banger...
  15. sarkunit

    What's in your vape right now?

    That THC content is insane! I have never had bud over 27% out here in Tucson Az, and I am not really sure about those numbers either. I feel that 22-25 is pretty good, but 30+, I would love to try something like that, even at those prices :)
  16. sarkunit

    CCA Liger banger V3.0

    All these posts of service and waiting, and very few posts of USE :rant::lol::shrug: In that route, I would like to share how I have been using the liger 30 over the last week. I have been getting 20 dollar utility shatter that handles heat well, so I cranked it up to 630 and started doing .25's...
  17. sarkunit

    What's in your vape right now?

    Moe OG sauce in my 30mm Liger and Blue Cookies out of my SSV.
  18. sarkunit

    CCA Liger banger V3.0

    I am using a 30mm Liger with a stretched high5 coil, tightened to the max, and the Obsidian insert. I like medium temp dabs, where the flavor to vapor density is at a elbow peak, but I have never had to clean my nail so much. It feels like the oil is just "drying" up and forming El Crusto unless...
  19. sarkunit

    CCA Liger banger V3.0

    One is standard, one has the augusthaus shroud. I would say that the new liger air will be better over time on your glass, and that is all. I personally like the heft of the 3.0 and it's thermal stability, and think that the new design is really centered on reducing production cost. If it is not...
  20. sarkunit

    CCA Liger banger V3.0

    Guys, I may or may not have an issue. I recently switched to new locations that offer more expensive, seemingly more premium product. The taste is complex and I find it very potent, but I am having a problem with my insert getting dirty after every dab. If I finish the dab till very little smoke...
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