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  1. StellarLarve

    Vaping minimalism (the opposite of VAS?)

    Yep. Totally. I agree. My point was more about the potentially problematic shopping addiction. If one want/need to buy dozens of different vapes, or tens of different -or similar…– stems or accessories, good for them, really, and perhaps if I was a heavier user or with more disposable income, I...
  2. StellarLarve

    Vaping minimalism (the opposite of VAS?)

    Considering that I bought my first vape, a Dynavap Omni XL Titanium, in 2019 and still use it almost daily, and only acquired a Vapman since, I think I consider myself a minimalist. I have VAS episodes, the latest provoking this post, but despite all the good recommendations, I still haven't...
  3. StellarLarve

    What Infuser/decarboxylation machine to buy 2023?

    A little late to the party, but I have just bought and tested a Pot by Noids machine. Designed in Amsterdam, sold in EU, all in one decarb / oil infusion-extraction / alcohol tincture device, with basically 3 settings. Set and forget. Brilliant filter, and all the greasy parts go in the...
  4. StellarLarve

    Pot by noids

    So, I received the Pot by Friday, and made a tiny test yesterday. I realized I am running dry, so I made a very small batch, with 1g of random weed, and 1g of high CBD flower, and 100 ml of olive oil. I think I will really like that thing! :D I have no comparaison with other machines, but I...
  5. StellarLarve

    Pot by noids

    As this thread popped up in New, I had been vaguely looking for an excuse to dive into DIY edibles for a while. I made a little research on the different decarb/infusion machines, The Pot seems nice enough, is available in my country without shipping from the other side of the world… so I have...
  6. StellarLarve

    Bhang and Bhang with AVB

    Raclette + Bhang… what’s next? Weed fondue? :D
  7. StellarLarve

    Dynavap/Vapman user for years. Help me choose the next one.

    Thanks for the recommendation. I remember one friend brought one 25 years ago, but I do not remember it being that much different from a classic combustion bong. We may totally used it completely wrong though. I'll look into it, could totally be nice to enjoy in summer when a special moment...
  8. StellarLarve

    Dynavap/Vapman user for years. Help me choose the next one.

    I am really daydreaming for a while now about building something along the line of the glass vapes from The Rogue Wax Works, but without the industrial torch. Sketching some massive old school ceramic chillums with a basic* heat accumulator that would take a moment to attain a sufficient and...
  9. StellarLarve

    Dynavap/Vapman user for years. Help me choose the next one.

    I… don't know, really. 🤷‍♂️ I think it is only a very subjective aesthetic thing, my own weird and irrational cursor on the "arts & craft" scale. It is hard to explain… They are surely brilliant, but they do not appeal that much to me. Thanks, I'll go and do some reading about the mlfb. I...
  10. StellarLarve

    Dynavap/Vapman user for years. Help me choose the next one.

    Not wrong… I do not really mind the price as long as the quality, design, ease of use etc, is there. And I tend to think that every iteration makes a device better in some way. But you are not wrong, it is another fallacy of the modern world. One thing that makes me sad, really, when browsing...
  11. StellarLarve

    Dynavap/Vapman user for years. Help me choose the next one.

    Thank you. You put well in words some concerns that a log could indeed be a better fit for my use. I kind of convince myself that a TM2 is a good option, mostly because most other portables do not appeal to me at all, but in fact I perhaps have to look elsewhere entirely. Damn, the quest just...
  12. StellarLarve

    Dynavap/Vapman user for years. Help me choose the next one.

    Hey, thank you all for these precious inputs that give other perspective, and make me think a bit differently about that "need"/"want". To answer broadly, in terms of usage, I mostly have a bowl at night. Sometimes one in the morning too if I do not have a busy day scheduled. I have zero...
  13. StellarLarve

    Collyland Aromatizer (formerly Vapbong by Art of Vapor)

    I really do not need one. I have zero tolerance and more of a microdose guy… But damn I would like one… :love:
  14. StellarLarve

    Dynavap/Vapman user for years. Help me choose the next one.

    Thanks! Yeah… I discarded the induction heater a while ago because it seemed paradoxal in regard of the minimalist battery free use of the Dynavap, but now that I contemplate my principles failing purchasing a battery/electronic vape anyway, it could be an option again, indeed. I like vapor...
  15. StellarLarve

    Dynavap/Vapman user for years. Help me choose the next one.

    Hi, Long time lurker… So first I would like to thank you all for the invaluable mass of knowledge, inventivity and dreams disseminated on this forum. Wonderful community that you have here. For a bit of context: I stopped smoking cigs cold turkey around 15 years ago. I was a daily joint smoker...
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