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  1. Ratatat

    Tetra P80

    im hoping to hear back soon too i emailed almost a month ago now i think
  2. Ratatat

    PLENTY Vaporizer

    25 grams in a week?!? thats the kind of determination i like to see - outstanding I went a bit hard with my Plenty when i first got it was my first kind of desktop vape so really liked it for convenience - I maybe smoked thru an ounce in like a month or 3 weeks but not like in a week. I...
  3. Ratatat

    PLENTY Vaporizer

    I love the Plenty at 7 running full force with a packed bowl it’s amazing the Plenty from 5.5 to 6.5 is also great I find that I can take even bigger rips when I back off the heat a bit and make the vapour a bit cooler
  4. Ratatat

    Tetra P80

    i emailed and asked to be added to the list does anyone have an idea of when the next batch of orders will be accepted?
  5. Ratatat

    Volcano Hybrid

    Yea I was really surprised when I bought it used turned it on and under 3 hours - I've already added an hour in about 3-4 days now. Yep ive tried the whip out as recommended and got great results so far thanks - the whip really does feel a bit like a Plenty - the vapour is 'different' tho on a...
  6. Ratatat

    Volcano Hybrid

    So my hybrid showed up finally in the mail - I’ve been vaping on it for almost a week now and I’m really happy I bought a hybrid. This is my permanent desktop now until it stops working (it seems very solid) I got mine used under 3 hours of use for the price of a Classic in USD. I like the...
  7. Ratatat

    Volcano Hybrid

    Thanks for the tips I’ll try experimenting a bit with the whip vs pad and letting it heat up a bit as advised. I think I’ll really like the volcano for herb my fav vape so far is the plenty so the whip on the hybrid should be fun for me. Not so excited to use the volcano for concentrates I’m...
  8. Ratatat

    Volcano Hybrid

    Is the dab experience on the Volcano better with the whip vs the pad? Seems like you would get a harder hit with the whip I have a a hybrid on the way in the mail and was wondering if I’ll even bother using it with concentrates etc
  9. Ratatat

    PLENTY Vaporizer

    these Plenty customizations are awesome i might need to try some of these out
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