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  1. WafflesVape

    PuffItUp 4/20 Vape-Or-Smoke Contest!

    1 ...see you ninjas there! [edit: 333 had already been taken]
  2. WafflesVape

    Discontinued Old City Diffusers

    I apologize for the delay in writing a review as well. Thank you so much Wes for getting this to me before Christmas as you said you would!!!!! I will do my absolute best to have a review, pictures, and (hopefully) video up soon. Going to try and grab a few hours of sleep, but will update this...
  3. WafflesVape

    Welcome to Fuck Combustion...Tell us about yourself here!

    Hi, I'm a long time lurker, and decided to make the jump over to posting. I used to be a 24/7 daily combustible user for years and decided to take a 3 year break and when I came back to it, realized I had to switch over to vapor. I picked up the MFLB as my very first vape and have used it...
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