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  1. Bogart

    Discontinued Vapolution 2.0

    Time to clean my AIWB. I have plenty of ISO, but am wondering how best to do it. Reclaiming is not a super high priority. If I had a long, thin container, I could soak it and get it all around. Any hints are greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  2. Bogart

    Discontinued Vapolution 2.0

    Is The Cloud the gold standard? The 5 series BMW, to the Vapolution's Honda Civic?
  3. Bogart

    Discontinued Vapolution 2.0

    I just wanted to follow up with my experiences so far with the Vapolution 2.0. Keeping in mind that I have no basis of comparison whatsover (yes, a total and comoplete vaping virgin...), I must say that I just love it. It is impossible for me to separate vaping in general (as opposed to...
  4. Bogart

    A couple of newbie questions

    Oh oh. There I go again, jumping into the deep end of the pool. My Vapolution should be waiting for me tomorrow. It will be my first vaping experience ever. But armed with FC wisdom, I am confident of success. Bogart
  5. Bogart

    Help! Best Vaporizer for Me? (more detailed)

    Well, I took the plunge and ordered a Vapolution. I read the FC thread on it ( and it seems like what I need. Thanks again, Max. I never would have found it without your help. The HI might be up my alley as well, vorrange. But this is...
  6. Bogart

    Help! Best Vaporizer for Me? (more detailed)

    Dear Max (and whoever else wants to chime in): Fate appears to have intervened in my choice of vapes. I have just learned that my DBV is backordered and has not shipped. So I am back to square one regarding choosing a vape. I initially focused on the DBV because of the overwhelmingly positive...
  7. Bogart

    Help! Best Vaporizer for Me? (more detailed)

    Max: I am in the same boat as you. Waiting for my very first vape to arrive (DBV), and trying to figure out the best way to use it as a one hitter. I have never vaped before. One suggestion made was to use stoppers in each end of the wand afterward to keep things fresh and ready for next...
  8. Bogart

    Da Buddha

    IT DIDN'T COME! :cry::cry::cry: I drove home like a madman to get to the post office before they closed. AND IT DIDN'T COME! :cry::cry::cry: So last night was another night of combustion. Hopefully my last. It should arrive today. I will post with my impressions when it does. Thanks again for...
  9. Bogart

    Da Buddha

    Trying to bridge the gap between old dog and new tricks...
  10. Bogart

    Da Buddha

    Would anyone happen to know the diameter of the wand, at each end? I am in a place where I can get stoppers now, but not for the rest of the weekend. Any info would be helpful. Thank you. Bogart
  11. Bogart

    Da Buddha

    Perfect. Or perhaps a rubber stopper, a la high school chemistry class? Excellent advice. Thank you.
  12. Bogart

    Da Buddha

    It certainly does. Thank you. I really like your idea of plugging up the wand and just keeping it in there until it is done. Does anyone have any hints on a way to do this well? I am guessing something airtight. Thanks again, hop. Bogart
  13. Bogart

    Da Buddha

    Hello All: This is my very first post. I am totally new to the vape thing. My DBV arrives this afternoon, and I am psyched to spend my Friday night getting to know one another. :D I chose the DBV based on the rave reviews on this and other forums. I just want to say a quick thanks to the...
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