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  1. drewper

    Sold Items

    Modnote: Please read the thread rules. You must have 30 days membership and 10 posts to post in this thread.
  2. drewper

    The Magic-Flight Box You will have great prosper...em bed!!! I'll try harder next time. Thanks for the reviews and good writing on this, great little thing.
  3. drewper

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Incredible. Nice job on this, guys. Beautiful in its simplicity. Thanks for making this.
  4. drewper

    Zephyr Ion

    doback...the use of Volcano parts sounds cool. Do you find them to work best on the Zephyr using the Easy or Solid Valves/Filling Chambers? Any tips or special instructions to get this working that you can offer would be appreciated. I'll probably try this out.
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