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  1. SquidgyB

    Homemade Vaporizers

    Here's a little show and tell about the various options I've explored for the heater power supply. They're all soldering irons, based on the Hakko style irons that are everywhere nowadays. There are obvious (and not so obvious) pro's and con's for each, which I'll try to explain. Right to...
  2. SquidgyB

    The LazyVape!

    Very nice work LazyVape! A little idea I had while perusing glass parts on the internet - has anyone tried using a vigruex tube wrapped in a nichrome wire for heating the air? I haven't even used a log vape, but I'd imagine the increased surface area would be befenicial - though they're much...
  3. SquidgyB

    Homemade Vaporizers

    So, following my earlier post, I've come along a fair way. MkII is fully operational, and looking damn good if I do say so myself. Changes are that I've dumped the slightly fiddly glass syringe as a starting item and gone for a proper ~2.5mm borosilicate glass 18mm ground joint. Combined with...
  4. SquidgyB

    Homemade Vaporizers

    Just to run in and add another different design to the list; I'm in the process of testing and refining a Vriptech VHW inspired DIY project. The end result should be cheap (well under £50 in parts, minus tooling) and robust, with the heated section of the air path being all glass - only high...
  5. SquidgyB

    Any UK Vapers out there?

    Hi guys, this is my first post so I thought it'd be an introductory one, looks like this is a logical place to start. Like many of you I'm early-mid thirties, been smoking since my late teens and now I'm looking to the health benefits of vaping. I tried a Puffit inhaler - cute little device...
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