The TV show is like a bad fan-fiction Alt.verse of what is in the comics.
The comics were good for the first 12-24, then it just kept recycling the same plots over and over again.
The primary difference with the TellTale games is that the characters develop and it's not always "plot.plot.plot...
The entire run of DS9 scoffs at that formula! The crew is rarely happy, and those that are happy are usually in conflict with those that aren't. It took DS9 4 seasons to solve some problems and others were never solved!
ROFL that crate has no showers or HDTV! Picard got fresh fruit and...
Early B here, also got my Fedex tracking email! W00t
Riddle me this - anyone else get nada when they navigate to the FedEx site using the tracking #? (no results found)
When we die, and we will die, we will join the paradise of EvoLand with all the Evos and top shelf bud you could want! only you wont have a physical form, no pain, no aches, no hunger, no lust, no jealousy , no war, no poverty, no crime, no worry...
Wait, no physical form? I guess we won't...
I watched a TNG episode the other week, Picard leads school children up a ladder by singing Frère Jacques.
Meanwhile, friggin Troi saves the ship w/ some help from the tech dudes and Ensign Ro keeping herself in check.
Everyone loves Picard and TNG, but watch like 10 episodes of TNG and then...
That is the argument against BC. "I don't want it, and don't want to pay for it". A reasonable argument.
However the Playstation in particular has been BC since the PS2. The PS2 was 99.99% BC out of the box. Not just for the launch window, but for the hundreds of great PS1 games...
Yes, she absolutely gets hate because of misogyny. But I do think she was terribly mis-cast. And the writing was absolutely garbage.
The original casting was this
(early years)
Pilot filming
Everyone always skips The Sisko
Don't sleep on the ace
He's a flawed, and more 'real person' captain than most, but also takes direct action, other than leading the debate team or the frat party ass-chasing.
In the single worst season of DS9, he did this!
DS9 kept getting better every...
That's actually the lineup for my stocking this year. I was a VERY good boi.
ROFL chill brah, you're getting annoyed by something that you are projecting and inferring, not something that is actually happening objectively. (Bragging) isn't what I would call it. This is the anticipation...
I need that blue one like an ass needs toilet paper! Every Damn Day!
But yeah, I don't mind waiting a bit for more QC and kinks to be worked out w/ the algorithm.
My not so new SOLO just milked up my showercap pretty nicely, I cheated and used a dab of dark brown reclaim goo covered in random kief + pink lemonade flower for buffer. One cycle and bowl still has some hits in it.
Represent! Bay Area CHRON4 amirite? j/k. Yeah those 2 storms kinda Santa-pooped all over adult X-mas break.
I may have to buy another SOLO in the next few days to hunker down. Thxgiving daydreamss, remember those?
Just finished TellTale's The Walking Dead: Season One.
Epic story, better than the first 3 seasons of the TV show and the last 24+ episodes of the comic. Gameplay-wise, there isn't much to it, which is bad/good depending on what you are in the mood for.
State of Decay - about to finish the...
Update us when the following are BIS plskthx.
SOLOs especially the new model
PVHEGONG 18mm (this specific config, shorty and turbo are usually in stock)
Any new hq glass :clap:
Anyone who has a CLOUD and is considering passing on the EVO is likely looking at some decent resale value if that's the way you go.
Even broken clouds are selling ...
LOL they live! Of course before the FDA, Soylent green WAS people. Upton Sinclair's The Jungle was the first time many even heard of how filthy and unregulated the pre- FDA market was.
The irony of course being now, the vast majority of americans BLAME the FDA for doing stuff when they are...
They key distinction w/ the PNWT or fBomb is they are small, and almost as portable as the Solo itself.
I will always use a bubbler over the water tubes in a desktop set up. But if I was on the go, I would take a fbomb with me instead of just stock stems.
In terms of bubblers, the "infamous"...