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  1. equatorgringo

    Arizer Solo

    Hi guys, really looking hard at the Solo. Will be my first "real quality" portable vaporizer purchase (as I don't clasify the last two Atmos pens that I had to be quality vaporizers). I understand that there are older versions out there and newer versions with the upgraded features of being...
  2. equatorgringo

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Hi guys, first real post in the forums besides intro. After lurking and going through this thread in the past few weeks, I ordered these two pieces (on the 7th to be exact): 1. 2...
  3. equatorgringo

    Welcome to Fuck Combustion...Tell us about yourself here!

    Hi everyone, love reading this forum, mature people here almost a connoisseur feel! Really like and respect that. I am originally from Seattle, WA but about 6 years ago moved to Panama in Central America. Been lurking this forum for a good month now. Learning a lot, just wish I started here...
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