Search results

  1. stinkmeaner

    Discontinued VapeXhaleLabs Presents: The Cloud

    I don't think you will have a problem with either one since you will want to remove HydraTube's from the Cloud unit between hits anyway, that is how you are going to clear the tube so I would not see the point of putting it back on the Cloud unless you are going in for another hit. To your...
  2. stinkmeaner

    Obscure and Obsolete Vapes

    Couple of De Verdamper type knockoffs in Argintina These are Argentine auction listings, so you can use Google Translate to read in English I am not sure how long this link will work so I will list the auction site second if they re-list the item...
  3. stinkmeaner

    Does weed 'go bad' over time?

    I am going be blunt and say that it does not go bad in one week, unless you got it wet and it molded or spilled something else on it. Chances are the herb most people buy is much older than they think if it wasn't bought at a dispensary or straight from the grower. I knew someone in...
  4. stinkmeaner

    New box Vaporizer has a horrible oily odor, I need advice!!!

    Lets be realistic he is not going to just die from using a vaporizer, using a questionable product could have potential health problems but would probably take a while before they notice anything. I will add that there has been no confirmed cases of a vaporizer hurting anyone, so the warnings...
  5. stinkmeaner

    Glass repair services?

    Many times the artist or company themselves will fix their own pieces and I know the Stone Glass Works offers glass repair if you look on their website, also I saw a thread a while back on another board in which people were sending bongs with broken joints to the US Tubes company and they would...
  6. stinkmeaner

    Discontinued VapeXhaleLabs Presents: The Cloud

    I am sure more experienced glass collectors/experts will give you an experienced answer but I will say this, when dealing with the hydra-tubes, you are dealing with 3 of the most sought after glass water pipe artists that are available right now, and if you search around you would be hard...
  7. stinkmeaner

    Help Me Reclaim My Life...PLEASE.

    Though MJ helps my anxiety when it is active in my system, it is impossible for me to stay on all day and still keep full function during work and other important matters which require your sharpest mind. Benzos destroy peoples lives so I am glad you are trying to stay away from them.
  8. stinkmeaner

    Discontinued VapeXhaleLabs Presents: The Cloud

    Thanks for the reply, I don't know if you have the answer to this question yet but I figured it won't hurt to ask. Do you know if the joint style on the Sovereignty hydratube will be recessed like Stone Glass Works version or will it be like the Vertigo version? I love the way the...
  9. stinkmeaner

    Discontinued Supreme Vaporizer

    I am going to order the Honest lighter too, after the original stopped working I have been using a propane torch which is just plain cumbersome, I feel like I am welding.
  10. stinkmeaner

    The Boil That Oil Thread!

    That is the nicest Labworx I have seen yet.
  11. stinkmeaner

    Discontinued Supreme Vaporizer

    5446ThatsMyNumber- don't worry you will still like that HVY, everyone has nothing but good things to say about it, you can always buy another one down the road if you get the itch. The diffusion is a good thing but it won't matter as much as it would if you were inhaling harsh smoke.
  12. stinkmeaner

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    This thing looks like the Vapir NO2, same ingredients really: digital heat controller, battery, element, all in a neat and tidy handheld, direct draw unit. Kind of makes you wonder where the extra $800 price difference goes, there is only so much technology you can put into a vaporizer, maybe...
  13. stinkmeaner

    Discontinued Vapir NO2

    I always find it funny when a new product is launched and new members just casually stroll through here and give a review and answer a few questions then you never hear from them again. I am not saying that this is the case here but I would certainly think people should have their reserves...
  14. stinkmeaner

    Discontinued Supreme Vaporizer

    You will love the Supreme, they are fun to use, the whole process with the torch is just satisfying for an ex-smoker like me, you can always pick up the Vapexhale down the road since they are two different styles of vaporizers it won't feel like you are buying two of the same thing. One thing...
  15. stinkmeaner

    very nice inexpensive wood pipes, dugouts and one hitters....

    The Jet table saws are pretty good, their customer service is top notch. I have a Delta which isn't bad but in a perfect world I would equip my garage with Northfield Tools, still cast iron and made in the USA but bloody expensive. Here is my dream table saw...
  16. stinkmeaner

    very nice inexpensive wood pipes, dugouts and one hitters....

    Those Cocobolo tubes have some intense grain patterns. They would look good in the Blue Mahoe too.
  17. stinkmeaner

    Size of grinder.

    The 4pc only really pays off if you smoke or grind a decent amount or else it really takes forever to get a decent amount of kief. I used to have a 4pc but now I just use a 2pc, the novelty of the kief wore off after a while and now I just prefer to keep it in my herb rather than save it. And...
  18. stinkmeaner

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    I will play nice, I apologize if some of my previous post sounded harsh, if you have read some of my posts on products, you will notice I am a bit of a Consumer Advocate. I like to keep companies on their toes, like when I showed that Kia Vape was really just a Chinese made product and they...
  19. stinkmeaner

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    Your posts are so long winded with very little points being made and not one meaningful apology for the people that have had problems existing VHW's, all I hear is how much money you spent on development and a bunch of plugs for the new version 3.0. One thing I have learned in my line of work...
  20. stinkmeaner

    Discontinued VapeXhaleLabs Presents: The Cloud

    I think it is clear now why they named it the "Cloud"
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