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  1. VaporBoxed

    Good Videos to watch when you're Vaked!!

    Awesome. :brow: I was vaked and mezmerized by this: Skip to 1:26
  2. VaporBoxed

    The HI

    Great vid boobs. I miss my mobius...
  3. VaporBoxed

    Discontinued ThermoVape Evolution

    Yea, i have had the same results.
  4. VaporBoxed

    Arizer Solo

    Vitolo, when it was first introduced, he said it can be used with solo and also the hammer. :brow: Adobe, no need to apologize. Heres some more good news on the Micro-dab, especially if you live in a mmj state. Latest news from microdab: #Microdab debuts soon.. Prototype 3 is on the...
  5. VaporBoxed

    PUFFiT portable

    Not trying to derail the thread, but Tommy Chong just announced a couple days ago that he is battling prostate cancer. :(
  6. VaporBoxed

    Arizer Solo

    You said "Micro-dab? Surprised I haven't seen this on FC." Im just letting you know that there is no need to be surprised. It was on FC just recently... pg 282 He said through twitter "#Microdab is being refined. Two prototypes have been rejected. We will give our supporters top shelf glass...
  7. VaporBoxed

    Arizer Solo

    There is a in thread search feature if you are ever unsure if something has already been discussed. I posted the micro-dab about 2 weeks ago.
  8. VaporBoxed

    Post What Vaporizer(s) You Currently Use And Why.

    My Thermovape t1 is used 90% of the time. When i feel i want a huge cloud of vapor i plug in my Underdog twig. My solo got a bunch of usage until my stems broke. My evolution and LB have been collecting dust.
  9. VaporBoxed

    Discontinued ThermoVape

    :rolleyes: It is a nifty little adapter. What it is is a Gong 18/14mm adapter with a Supreme Vaporizer tube connected to it. I just wrapped a bit of the medical tape around it and shoved it into the Gong adapter. I also had to add another o-ring to the mouthpiece so it would create an...
  10. VaporBoxed

    Discontinued ThermoVape

    I couldn't have said it better myself. On a different note, I have been really enjoying my TV through my bubbler. The clouds are pretty effortless and my new thumb grip mod makes it that much easier.
  11. VaporBoxed

    Discontinued Wychwood Vaporizers UK Log Vape

    oh thats cool, thanks man.
  12. VaporBoxed

    Discontinued Wychwood Vaporizers UK Log Vape

    Nice! I have one question though. I understand you're bringing the log vape to the EU market, but will you be selling to US customers also? The reason i ask is because i have friends who want a HI but dont want to wait so long for it. This unit seems like the next best thing and im sure my...
  13. VaporBoxed

    Cool music to vape to, you know the tunes that move you

    Check out this video i stumbled upon. Its a pretty good song and a cool video too.
  14. VaporBoxed

    Discontinued ThermoVape

    No, i dont have dexterity issues, more like oily finger issues.
  15. VaporBoxed

    Discontinued ThermoVape

    Sure thing, Its nothing too fancy, just a strip of medical tape. Im sure i can make it look nicer if i had the time. Anyways, it works great. I've only used it on two bowls with 20 minutes in between. So i am not sure if it will come off or not with heat.
  16. VaporBoxed

    Discontinued ThermoVape

    Great discussion OF and PP. I couldn't agree more with your posts. I used to be one of those users who believed the high comes from the thickness of clouds but now i know, it comes from the quality of the vapor. I actually remember that when OF first came onto this forum, i had an argument with...
  17. VaporBoxed Your Friendly Vaporizer Store

    Randy sells atomizers?
  18. VaporBoxed

    Which Kind Of Cellphone Do You Use?

    I used to not feel right when i didnt have my phone. It was like withdrawal symptoms or something. I decided to get rid of it about a year ago and i love it. Real friends kept in touch and everythings good. I love not having a phone.
  19. VaporBoxed

    PUFFiT portable

    Best i could find.
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