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  1. marcuss

    To Water Or Not To Water... That Is The Question

    vapor+water filter=the healtiest way to fuck the combustion! this is my :2c:
  2. marcuss


    that vape is a aromed wooden version....they are why the price is in swiss currency and not euro! For the vapman....I don't spend words on butane vapes anymore...they don't reach my vapor healty standards!
  3. marcuss

    To Water Or Not To Water... That Is The Question

    ;)I became a WF entusiast after yours and C_D posts! I thank you everytime!:D
  4. marcuss

    Herborizer corner eh christmas will come at the end!!! start to save your $$ right now..and Santa will do the rest! The extreme still rocks for me the ice bong style!
  5. marcuss

    Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

    Good Canada Day to all the lucky canadians on this forum! This is one of my promise day i'll come!:D
  6. marcuss

    Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

    wait man! the new extreme come out with temp set at 250 max so nothing wrong with it! Obviously the higher temps on the remote was missing! Anyway the AAA service from Arizer will reply soon!
  7. marcuss

    Herborizer corner

    he he...the extreme with a water bong is a first class vape....but it's about 20 days i truly forgot the is still on my dream table but unemployed....i just can't stay away from the other words can explain that but this....satisfation! But maybe it is just me...wait to...
  8. marcuss

    Herborizer corner

    Irie! This is not a one way rewiew but a wall to stick our post-it about this alchemic vape! Only "herbo" posts are allowed to share our experiences... here the herborizer staff reply to my question on the heater... "Bonjour, The heater is in stainless steel. Sebastien is currently in trip to...
  9. marcuss

    Herborizer & Ape Vape Reviews

    I will do it but almost everything has been said on this perfect vape! No issues at all.........simply tasty heavy clouds!! when Sebastien the naif guy:D reply me with the heater infos i will open the official "herbo" thread :ninja: :2c: when you find that water is better it is very hard to...
  10. marcuss

    Herborizer & Ape Vape Reviews

    I need to look at this when the US dollar is not so weak......:uhoh:......i think is a long time! Sorry max i always open the french didn't see ther differences....i think he just hasn't time to set up the web site properly!....he actually sell the xl to all the world....ozwiz is the...
  11. marcuss

    Herborizer & Ape Vape Reviews

    yes man! now it is a bit crowded but even more dream table.....when i got home after work this is my favorite place!:brow: good vapor week end!!!
  12. marcuss

    Herborizer & Ape Vape Reviews

    he he you know the french guy is an businness man!i assure you that i appreciate the surprise gift!...they no need to convince you to buy the herbo...its sells itself!....also the high request seems they need to work night and day so...just taking easy and no pressure at all in...
  13. marcuss

    Herborizer & Ape Vape Reviews i mentioned before this vape win hands down for put the same amount as the extreme and you can vape it longer...seems that this boy can extract everything from the plant....end product is very spent indeed! mookow...can u redo the question?...i'm a poor italian...
  14. marcuss

    Herborizer & Ape Vape Reviews

    the herbo and his griffe grinder....good gift for me! I love the fact that i was looking for the best vape for me in the whole world and i found it at few km from home....these french are incredible....they don't advertise it for they can't produce herbos on industrial scale...handcraft...
  15. marcuss

    Herborizer & Ape Vape Reviews

    i've got both of them, no differences at all but the fiask capacity and the temps thickness is the same, heater dimension is the same heater is ceramic wrapped in steel and in a glass tube...(waiting for a reply from Sebastien the owner to know what kind of steel is used) I...
  16. marcuss

    Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

    "The problem with the extreme is as I said before it just doesn't get close to hot enough. I needs to be able to get about 50 degrees hotter to be able to then work your way back down to a lower temp.." actually...this problem is with your extreme not with The unit gives me real...
  17. marcuss

    Herborizer & Ape Vape Reviews

    I do recommend the herborizer as the best whip water filtered vape i ever tried...the heat up time is quite short, after five minutes it start to deliver delicious vapor! Easy to clean digital to fool you....i recommend this vape to all herbalist gourmet for the fantastic...
  18. marcuss

    Herborizer & Ape Vape Reviews

    max...i know that oil doesn't mix with water and some sticks to the glass...but the big hits this vape can give me make me just say...who cares! Anyway the herbo creator say that you can use it without water if you like....but...tell me why some of the best vapes are with water filter....just to...
  19. marcuss

    Herborizer & Ape Vape Reviews

    sticky...:lol::lol::lol:....u right...too fucked up....i don't remember what tha fuck i done yesterday...the herbo side effect...:lol::lol:
  20. marcuss

    Herborizer & Ape Vape Reviews know monday morning is hard indeed....but believe me i don't speak only to you that likes a different kind of vape...i just say that the herbo put me ko after one bowl....if a put the same bowl in an other vape...the effect is i don't believe people that speaks about a...
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