Logic would tell us that most SHAKE will have a lower THC content than buds because what usually falls off buds is the small leaves, but on the other hand much of the crystal tricombs and red hairs will fall off into shake so you might still be left with a good THC content depending on what is...
Most people I know have not even heard of a vaporizer, even the ones who have can't usually differentiate between brands. I think it is a niche market market just like high end glass.
So true, I was going to mention in a post my job but I figured that there is no point because people just lie so much on the internet so nobody would take it seriously. Besides, if someone has the patience to complete med school then they should have a little more patience in figuring out a...
I did see season 4 and I think it was the best since the first, I like how he adapted to the whole marriage and every other problem that popped up. It is funny I wouldn't even try watching an episode when it first came out and then I finally gave it a shot on a whim and ended up watching all 4...
I wish they would just kill off Celia, I have had enough of her. She's either ratting someone out or blackmailing, stealing someones shit, it's just not cute anymore the way she just floats by and gets away with things.
Since you already have a portable vaporizer, look into a nice home vaporizer. A Da Buddha just came on the market for under $100 which is a pretty good deal, look in the Buy/Sell thread. Ask most and they say they love their Buddha.
Yeah I didn't mean for pipes and such considering that the stabilizing products are probably toxic if heated and inhaled. I was going to try it on a pen with the CA method hardener.
What caught my attention of the Ligno is at the design work and decorating work you can do with it, but then I saw the price of 6,000-7,000 Euros and I attention started wavering. I have what looks to be the same lathe but branded Jet with variable speed and I can't fault it, picked it up from...
I was referring more of the craftsman rather than the price of the woods, I think some American craftsman have a motto "Price it high and they will buy" due to the materialistic nature of our country. It seems to get things made in America you have to pay such enormous premiums. This is no...
Wow those rocking chairs are expensive, even the ebony version is like 6 grand which tells me that he is simply charging too much. They are nice and all but one thing to consider is that people have been making similar chairs for hundreds if not thousands of years and now with commercial...
Afzelia is expensive, just a quick search revealed that a 6" X 6" X 11" chunk goes for $247, that is a lot of greenbacks for some wood, good thing your products are relatively small because you were building tables or something then you would be serving a very plush clientele. The regular wood...
I think it is nice that the Vapor Brothers company updates/upgrades the old models for customers to the new version, they should however think about a housing update so that owners don't have to prop them up, if they did then they could do a housing upgrade for existing products.
Yep prisons too, they don't want to jeopardize that business. I wonder if the US prison system has more profit than Walmart.
When are they going to stop criminal incarceration of petty drug offenders and tarnishing their backgrounds. If it is a victimless crime then there are better...
I did not mean to start up the war between materials again, he brought that up, I just didn't like the idea of a manufacturer dictating forum content. The guy just wanted to use a wood stem similar to all of you that use bongs with your vaporizer. I do admit that when he brought up the...
I don't think Ti would be as good has the stainless for heat retention, it is known as a poor conductor of heat. Another thought would be to use Aluminum or Stainless and coat it with a Titanium Nitride coating and seal the chamber away from all foreign elements. Maybe enclose your heat...
Celsius or Fahrenheit? If the latter you want to go higher. Vaporizers temperature is not set in stone, don't focus so much on the degree and just raise the temperature till it feels right, produces satisfying vapor and does not burn your herb.
@stonemonkey55---Can you explain how the heat exchanger works/transfers hot air? From the video on Youtube it looks like a brass bowl but I see no holes for airflow, almost looks like conduction but I am sure there has to be an air hole somewhere.
Also if you have seen/used the original and...