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  1. Slartibarfast

    Brilliant Cut Grinder

    I had no problem putting my order in with a CC 10 days ago, I wonder if there is a 'box' or something that you inadvertently skipped above the credit card entry info point.
  2. Slartibarfast

    Brilliant Cut Grinder

    I can see that on clips on the BCG, once the turn is underway it goes thru the bud like butter. There will no doubt be cannabinoid benefits from the stems too, so great if grinding all for infusions or whatever. But like @Ramahs I'd definitely prefer the stalks out of it when smoking, and I've...
  3. Slartibarfast

    Brilliant Cut Grinder

    While I can certainly see the temptation to squash a fat bud in and go for it and hope it doesn't seize up, but I understand it doing so. I imagine it is probably all round better to load it in bits. Personally, I would prefer that bits of stalk are not forming part of my grind so I'd usually...
  4. Slartibarfast

    Brilliant Cut Grinder

    I have to make do with my existing shitty grinder until my BCG gets here. I don't have any grinder grease but does anyone have any idea if beeswax would be useful to try, or what is the main thing in grinder grease? Any suggestions? Cheers.
  5. Slartibarfast

    Brilliant Cut Grinder

    That's cleaned up beautifully! I have no problem with the little bit of wear when the parts come together, it still seem very minor for all the use. I've seen posts where folk perhaps think it should be indestructible but to me that doesn't seem realistic. Fantastic job cleaning it and testament...
  6. Slartibarfast

    Brilliant Cut Grinder

    Thanks SS! I was a member here over a decade ago but unfortunately emails from FC to hotmail aren't getting thru so I had to come back 'new'. Over a decade ago I was researching vapes on FC before eventually settling on a Silver Surfer. These days I am mostly using either a Simrell Vortex...
  7. Slartibarfast

    Brilliant Cut Grinder

    Hi Folks, I recently bought a new grinder, a 2 piece kannastor, it looked good I thought, reasonably large sized diameter for good grip purchase, unfortunately I didn't realise it was a slimline model for carrying in a pocket. My hands are too large to grip it properly and grinding is a pain...
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