Hi otto,
first i have some question for you,
how did you set the temp on this vap ?
what kind of heater the kia use ?
for best result with any vap try to grind your herb as more as you can and try to use dry herb ! o yeah dont forget to stir it
Hope it help
Just recive my last order from arizer !! some new bags ,tubing and FINALY RIMED SCREEN :D damnn !!! it make a big difference !!! my order was ship fast as hell and I got a free gift :D a new bowl & stiring tool + an other pack of screen !!! like I always said !!! STEVE FROM ARIZER IS THE BEST !!!
Hi Vapor_Master ...this name remind me something ? dhu LOL welcome here !!!
nice that you own an ape vap !I just saw a wierd video on youtube ...look strange but look serious fogger too !! if you can make a video of what it look during vaporization ,it would be cool !!!
after a ridicul time, a tones of email to rollies and some email direct to GEAR to make presure ! I FINALY GET MY FUCK/$G TUBE :brow: awesome tube for the price !!!will post pix 2night !!! soo..If you want realy cheap stuff and are ready to wait more than 2 month go with rollies but if you...
LOL I know did you see the custom one :cool:.... but I dont care for now , I keeping my buck to buy me a decent torch (what is around 1000$) + the kiln + decente ventilation too ....but be sure that my first job will be to make something special for all FUCKCOMBUSTION V.I.V member :brow:
I was'nt able the read the whole page .....just stick my eyes the pix :brow: maybe she come with the volcano ....what is probably the only reason to get one :lol: ....just kidding ;)
welcome here herbalist !! I'm sure you'll not regret your extreme :D
do you know A.B.C ?? (Australian Bastard Canabis ) I'm searching seed for long time LOLLL
I cant tell it just at lookin ! look like a 18mm gong joint but not sure ...cancertoast just email them to know what is the size of the glass on glass joint on this bong .......after you'll just need and 14mm or 18mm conector like this...
dont take chance ...buy the real stuff http://cgi.ebay.com/titanium-bar-6-2-4-No-Reserve-190-lbs_W0QQitemZ260257293637QQihZ016QQcategoryZ29402QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem :cool: LOLLL
totaly agree with you , but I wasnt knowing for the new version .... and ps vaporwhips.com home page is stil in construction but try this http://www.vaporwhips.com/blog/
I have shipped used smoke tool moore than once , just need to be clean with a pipe cleaner like purple power ...after get clean by this it will look like new
sure iso will make the same thing ...just need to be clean
this is a realy good question ...my guest on it is pure canaoil cant burn ,just sublimis realy fast cause there is nothing to burn .....like burning water ....cause the other day I just try to vap some honey on my famous ceramic heater (right in the red ,so hot enough to burn) but no ....oil...