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  1. HighlyEducatedScholar

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Happy birthday underdog! :party:
  2. HighlyEducatedScholar

    Vapor Brownies (ABV Cannaoil)

    vaked while reading this thread and this popped into my head that someone had brought up before. might be useful for a mason jar with a 'warm infusion'...
  3. HighlyEducatedScholar

    Underdog Log Vapes

    nice pick up onox :tup: how'd you like your first session with your new pup? when i first got my UD i took my first hit and was vaked for like two hours off one hit! amazing first experience with my Dog.
  4. HighlyEducatedScholar

    Vapor Brownies (ABV Cannaoil)

    seems like a good idea. don't see where you can really go wrong anywhere. IMO straining is an extra step that allows for mistakes to occur and can lead to a loss in potency. if you are going to strain, make sure you have it well thought out because when it comes to straining, you can't just go...
  5. HighlyEducatedScholar

    Vapor Brownies (ABV Cannaoil)

    @chimpybits- i remember going into a tea store a week ago and finding these tea bags that you could put your own herbal mix in to make your own tea. i was considering using something like this for my next ABV ISO wash but haven't made up my mind yet. maybe this is something that might work for you?
  6. HighlyEducatedScholar

    Underdog Log Vapes

    the need for a VVPS is definitely determined by situation. when i was still at college the stock power supply worked just fine and was able to get my ABV to the darkness i wanted. however, after i graduated and moved back home, only 40 minutes away, i noticed a pretty big difference in the...
  7. HighlyEducatedScholar

    Underdog Log Vapes

    :clap: congrats on joining us! i think you'll find your new UD to be more than satisfactory once you get it. what kind of wood did you decide on DC?
  8. HighlyEducatedScholar

    Weed is bad for your balls???

    This experiment was so skewed it's absolutely ridiculous. I can't believe some of the junk that the news would put up just to get a rouse. Unfortunately there's such a large number of Americans who would buy into this because they don't know any better...:disgust:
  9. HighlyEducatedScholar

    Underdog Log Vapes

    i hope you put up a vid or two shredhead when you get that pup into your hands. you've got some quality pieces over there ;)
  10. HighlyEducatedScholar

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Yes they mean 18mm, however, the thick silicone stem is just slightly too small to make the perfect airtight seal. i had to go to my LHS to pick up an 18/14 low profile reducer which made it work with my UD when i used my make shift WPB out of the glass part of the WPA for the MFLB. In regards...
  11. HighlyEducatedScholar

    The FC Bubbler by PlanetVape

    i think in their first post PV said they would price this at about $170 or so.
  12. HighlyEducatedScholar

    Underdog Log Vapes

    I have a 12 arm bubbler from It's china glass but for $70 i couldn't pass it up. The bubb diffuses quite nicely and makes holding in huge hits from a UD real smooooooth. I believe another member of the dog poud, darkrom, has the same piece as well so maybe he can chime in on his...
  13. HighlyEducatedScholar

    Underdog Log Vapes

    @VapingLobster- congrats on receiving your Dog! isn't life in the dog pound great? if you disappear for a few days, we'll understand why :tup: happens to all of us after we get our first dogs in. @mvapes- i always love surprising my friends with the sheer volume of vapor that the UD can...
  14. HighlyEducatedScholar

    The Magic-Flight Box

    i would say that the MFLB wouldn't be a bad choice for you. i also have a UD which i love since im always getting huge clouds from it but obviously i can't bring it everywhere even with a car adapter. i think the MFLB compliments the UD real well which is why i've held onto my LB even though...
  15. HighlyEducatedScholar

    Underdog Log Vapes

    I'm trying to fight the temptation of buying another UD since i've been buying so much glass lately, but noooo Dave's just gotta keep egging us on...
  16. HighlyEducatedScholar

    Re-using ISO washes?

    really liking your ISO wash technique b00bs. having a double wash is pretty smart and definitely ensures getting everything that you want. i'll have to try that out next time my stems are in need of a cleaning.
  17. HighlyEducatedScholar

    Re-using ISO washes?

    I'm also thinking that ISO can't go bad, even with impurities such as ABV particulates in it for an extended period of time. I mainly was also curious if anyone practiced the same habit as me or if I'm just some type of vaporist hoarder by never tossing anything out :freak:
  18. HighlyEducatedScholar

    Re-using ISO washes?

    i'm not sure, but it's my uncertainty that lead me to publicly ask my question. like Tweak, it's something i've been wondering for a while that's always been at the back of my mind. i'd rather go out on a limb to ask a dumb question, and be criticized, than to never have asked and end up vaping...
  19. HighlyEducatedScholar

    Re-using ISO washes?

    Does anyone re-use their ISO after doing an ISO-wash on their pieces? I have a few fluid ounces of some ISO that I had used about 3 months ago from washing a few of my UD stems. I wanted to keep using the same ISO from washes in order to make that amount of ISO more concentrated with actives...
  20. HighlyEducatedScholar

    The Magic-Flight Box

    wow that new MF grinder looks great! interesting concept but im really diggin the design and aesthetics of it. this just shows how much MF really pays attention to their consumer cause there's always constant talk about 'fineness of the grind' when it comes to using a LB. now they came up with a...
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