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  1. partially veiled

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Hrm...I do like knives...AND cutting stuff! You should see my collection of hunting knives... Anyway, the knife block was just a convenient prop to help people get an idea for HT size :) No hidden messages intended. is Thanksgiving weekend up here in the Land of Ice and Snow and I...
  2. partially veiled

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    The Devastator is amazing...pretty much everything I ever dreamed of in a water tool. Kudos VXL I can not wait to get my hands on one of those! I really can't wait to see the type of percs you guys have planned...modular percolators in a water tool is an absolute dream come true for me. I am...
  3. partially veiled

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Oh buddy. Had an absolute shit day today...and nothing quite chases the grey clouds away like an even larger front of billowing blue clouds :brow: It's days like today when I really appreciate this vaporizer: it is so easy to use that I can totally relax and enjoy my session without any...
  4. partially veiled

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    I'm basing that number off of this post, max. I am personally a little doubtful that 4,000 is accurate, but I have no reason to dispute what Cannabinaut has claimed hearing directly from Troi. If it is indeed correct then I would agree...the pedal is fully engaged at this point...full speed...
  5. partially veiled

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Yeah dude I feel your pain: if my Cloud stopped working and I had to go back to another vape I'd be pretty bummed too. As max has suggested, however, I'm sure that the delay you're experiencing is simply related to available resources: VXL is probably flooded with activity as a result of their...
  6. partially veiled

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    @John Lewus: 1-484-453-8236 is the phone number for VXL. If they don't answer leave a message and they will get back to you! I've dealt with the VXL team via the phone a couple of times now and they've been great. Best of luck to you with your warranty claim. ETA: I definitely feel your...
  7. partially veiled

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Yeah, I do have some 18mm slides and some 18mm dome/female slide holders hanging around that I could use to train ELBs. I should probably do that. I've just been trying to use all of the ELBs that I have right now in a rotation so that they get worked in evenly but maybe I should be "training"...
  8. partially veiled

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Those Swagger pieces are really slick :cool: I'm loving the Showercap...minimal diffusion FTW! I am also not in love with the oversized labels, but it's not something that would deter me from buying. I'd simply enjoy the pieces more if the label were a little less obvious and in your face. I...
  9. partially veiled

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Excellent post SlightlyMedicated. Also, thanks for clearing up the 710 mystery for me...I was well aware it was related to oil but somehow never saw the thing that was staring me in the face, albeit upside down and backwards :p It makes so much more sense now. Personally I had a super brief...
  10. partially veiled

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Ohhhhhhhhhh boy. I am in deep trouble now...the wife is going to have my nuts in a vice over this one I can tell you that straight away. As you may be guessing, I bit the bullet and ordered my second Cloud package in under a month. Snagged a Cloud with a HydraCirc HT. To be honest the backup...
  11. partially veiled

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Oh yeah, you say that now but you just wait. I think my first few Cloud sessions went something like the first time I drank whiskey: in the beginning it was all "holy crap this is amazing and it tastes sooooo good" and then before you know it I was waking up in bed saying "what just happened to...
  12. partially veiled

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Cool man, thanks for the info! I'm still keen to see some pictures but mmafighterthe25 is going to take care of us soon, I'm sure. Once he gets through the obligatory week of doing nothing but USING his Cloud after he gets it, I'm sure he'll get some pictures up :p SM dude for what it's worth...
  13. partially veiled

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    I am still going to try and do some searching on this subject when I get home from work. It's probably buried in this thread somewhere...hopefully I'll be able to unearth it tonight, as I am also still interested in finding more information on the "new" Showerdome design. If someone chimes in...
  14. partially veiled

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Well my questions about the Showerdome appear to be moot now. It looks like the ALL of the Cloud packages that were up on Vapexhale's website have now sold! As far as I can tell Vapexhale is completely out of Clouds again! WAY TO GO DUDES!!! That must have been a pretty big push for Vapexhale...
  15. partially veiled

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Yeah, I'm a little bummed that I missed the rush too. I shouldn't complain as I already have a Cloud HydraTree package...but still...I'd have loved to pick up an extra Cloud with a HydraCirc for that discounted price! I am also totally on the fence about the Showerdome package though. I have...
  16. partially veiled

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    :o !!!CONGRATULATIONS TEAM VAPEXHALE!!! :o Way to go all; that was a very well deserved win, no doubt. I am a little surprised by the competition, or lack of competition rather--it seems like there were more interesting vaporizers and related devices that didn't even make the grade this...
  17. partially veiled

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Cloud related shenanigans: I skipped breakfast so I could have a wake n' bake session with my Cloud yesterday. I never vape in the mornings anymore and it's very rare that I don't eat breakfast. So, by lunch time yesterday, I had the munchies as bad as I've EVER had them before. That includes...
  18. partially veiled

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Well. I have had two sessions with the Cloud, after letting some of the funky smell burn off. My particular Cloud only smells if you turn it up very hot and if you breathe in deeply, but I thought I should do a brief burn in just to be safe. My first impressions..? A picture is worth a...
  19. partially veiled

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Arrrrrgh! I'm having a total "First World Problems" moment here. The delivery slip that I received on Friday was not for my Cloud, it was for something else. Hopefully the Cloud will show up tomorrow...based on the tracking number it is in my city and *should* be available tomorrow. I'm...
  20. partially veiled

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    The Cloud Gods are teasing me... I missed delivery of a package today while at work and I am 99% positive it is my Cloud. I do have something else en route but the timing is right for the Cloud plus there was a C.O.D charge, which I'm expecting on the Cloud but not on the other item. I went...
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