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  1. Clear_Dome

    Clear Dome glass

    hahah thanks but those bowl are made to vaporize or ''safely burn'' some hash can look at the video , as you can see I heat up a pyrex rod and than drop it on top of my hash ..if you did'nt heat it too much you'll vaporize the hash till only a...
  2. Clear_Dome

    Clear Dome glass

    I didnt fount the pix of the huge monster bong about 3feet tall with a tones of percs , hash catchers , spiral paths, ice pinchs and thing that I does'nt even know the name LOL :o but I came across this : nice site and nice bong too ...I'm sure that a bong...
  3. Clear_Dome

    Herborizer corner

    hummmm lucky you are ;) herbo is on top of my list since marcuss got one !!!!! did you try it on other bong ? with perc ? i'm sure using perc is a waste of thc but ?! maybe perc and ice cold water may be fun !! keep posting
  4. Clear_Dome

    Clear Dome glass

    nice greenganga are those pix from the smoked1 expo ? they make sick glass but they make bong a lot more complexe than those on the pix !! they are just crazy LOL will try to find the pix ....anyway the liquid I'll use has not been test yet (as i dont have prototype ) but I heard a lot of good...
  5. Clear_Dome

    Clear Dome glass

    right on a to z it is somewere between this condenser and a pipe with liquid inside LOL with an artistic touch of course ;) damn it was a secret LOLL
  6. Clear_Dome

    Clear Dome glass

    LOL no it doesnt look like this ..this type of spiral is to fragil and also hard to clean ....I dont want to talk about my vapor cooler live (lol I dont want to see my idea get rip off soo ) but it will not be like this ;) ... the cooling system will be able to be fit on any ''whip or stem'' vap...
  7. Clear_Dome

    Clear Dome glass

    max : haha cool ! I'llok at it but first I have to try some way to get the glass stick to stainless tip stickstones : like I said to max first I'll have to make test but if I'm able to make the glass stick to the stainless ....the possibility are infinit ...I'll be able to make custome pd...
  8. Clear_Dome

    Clear Dome glass

    yeah I'm now a glass junky's hard to explain but I would like to blow glass 24/7 .....hhhhhh maybe one day :) ...thanks vtact for those words ....oh and you'r on my list as PD glass stem tester :) !
  9. Clear_Dome

    Clear Dome glass

    oh yeah I forgot to tell you also ...I'm working with Purple Day to make Glass stem for there beautiful vaporizer !!!! I may have the first prototype made on my next o2 tank so between 19 and 25 dec :D keep watching
  10. Clear_Dome

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    cool !!!! GONG IS ALWAYS KING ! super air tight , super classy , all glass and super safe ...hope to see it on the vhw !!! :peace:
  11. Clear_Dome

    LED growing - Marcuss are you there?

    I'll delet you'r other post ( no offense here ;) ) just to keep the info all focused in the same thread
  12. Clear_Dome

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    hummm ...I was talking about the a gong between the bowl and the bong not betweew the vhw and the bowl (just to be sure that we talk about the same thing ) ...I'm sure the the gong is strong enough to old a vhw cause gun heater bowl are most of the time with gong so ...anyway ... it is realy sad...
  13. Clear_Dome

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    wiiiii :) so will the vhw will use gong ?? :D
  14. Clear_Dome

    Clear Dome glass

    I got news from ust today, they are ready to ship my order ! as soon as I recieve them I'll start to make extreme piece :D WOUHHHOUUUU
  15. Clear_Dome

    Clear Dome glass

    yes I can but I wish you are not to hurry , I'm still talking wiht ust(since a month now :( ) to get glass ground joints soon as I get them , I'll be able to make custom stuff for extreme and more :D
  16. Clear_Dome

    E-Cigarette (not for THC use)

    humm I just came across this thread (doh lil late) ...I'm not to sure to rightly understand ... by filling a e-cig with a cartrige of pure thc and alcool you can get vapor out of a 50buck e-cig ?? hummm I want one ...hehe at least after someone try it :P I can't be the dummy sucker each time
  17. Clear_Dome

    Clear Dome glass

    this is a video I just made about the extract bowl you can see , nothing is ignite in the bowl if you dont over heat the rod ,and give a nice super tasty and :ko: puff in a minut ...and most of the time on hit is enought .....and if you use good extract there is almost nothing remaining in...
  18. Clear_Dome

    I am designing a new vaporizer

    LOL or you making them cause you work for a vap co or ?LOL anyway good luck post pix of your result ...if it's not too secret :lol:
  19. Clear_Dome

    Clear Dome glass

    humm I'm not able to find the good word in english to explain it ....I make a solid spiral , fume the back and sleeve the spiral with clear or color but I dont sleeve it till the end of the spiral ....after I just make to point in the fume to get an eye shape out of the fume circle .....?! LOL...
  20. Clear_Dome

    Clear Dome glass

    I'cant make big thing like this for now .. my pipe now go as fast as hot bread ! my pendant to flower are so easy to sell just dont make sence I sell flower the same price as a pipe !!! ...anyway new stuff,an other mistyc eye this one with transparant red center ,and other bigger extract...
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