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  1. K

    Obscure and Obsolete Vapes

    Any chancee of posting a picture of how the purple Lithes end up looking after this oxidation process?
  2. K

    Is Brass Safe?

    Would you happen to know the alloy number of the brass you are using?
  3. K

    Obscure and Obsolete Vapes

    Wow, 4% ?! Alexander-would you consider using stainless steel in the Lithe?
  4. K

    Obscure and Obsolete Vapes

    I found this "review" on the lithe: It's posted by Platenu, just as the youtube video was....but it's also the email address of manufacturer. It' quite lame how there and in the video, he claims to have discovered it on...
  5. K

    Obscure and Obsolete Vapes

    I emailed the maker of the Vapor Lithe, with quick replies. I invited him to come to the forum. I asked what alloy of brass it is, wondering about the lead content. He didn't say, but said it is in low proportion (the lead)...but he was talking 1 to 2%. I'm not sure if he's just guessing or...
  6. K

    Obscure and Obsolete Vapes

    Check out the NEW Tobacco Master...just $1,999.99 :o It's made by Bob Burruss, the originator of all log style vapes. I got the omega ultralight air heater log vape from him in 1999. The flashevap was probably from the mid 90's
  7. K

    Obscure and Obsolete Vapes

    They do look nice. I'd have a hard time believing someone would put so much artistic work into a piece that didn't work too well. I like the idea of a diffuser made from a piece of metal, rather than ceramic or foam metal-like VGs or the Alivi8. I wonder what the metal parts are made of...
  8. K

    Herb Grinders

    MixnBalls look nice, but no customer service. I wanted a small grinder. Their nano seems perfect. Even after reading here of all the problems people have had ordering from them, I made the mistake of ordering one. The webpage said they are in stock...and still does. Two weeks later, and...
  9. K

    Alivi8 Vaporizer (portable pipe)

    I have the stainless steel Amazed smokin pipe by redeye, and love it. I'm very interested in this thing, but have a few questions... So, I've seen the term NASA technology to describe the heat filter... Really? I'm wondering if the filter is made of stainless steel like the rest of the...
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