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  1. MarcellusWiley

    Itza Pillar (w/ gridded circ)

    Hey guys. Our local headshop has gotten a lot of Itza lately and my girlfriend and I were down there picking up some vector and low and behold they had one of these bad boys. They priced it at only 300 dollars and we got them to give it to us for 270. I thought 300 was a pretty ridiculously...
  2. MarcellusWiley

    Mobius Glass

    The tubes have the diamond disc in them and the "orbital" bubblers have that splashguard chamber and a second "filling chamber" coming out the side with a female stopper if you look at the pictures. nifty but honestly he promised a new perc and thats definitely not what this is haha. its cool...
  3. MarcellusWiley

    Customized vape setups

    perfect fit, eh t-dub?!
  4. MarcellusWiley

    Gear Concentrate accessory questions (Ti, SS, Nails, Dabbers)

    I looked at it and I thought aqua lab used to have the sherbet pencil dabbers but they have "blazemaster" ones this is the same one that that guy makes i'm pretty sure. the one on aqua has a different color to the tip area. they...
  5. MarcellusWiley

    Gear Concentrate accessory questions (Ti, SS, Nails, Dabbers)

    search etsy for those pencil dabbers and you'll find some that are priced better, i won't say they are made as well though obviously ( because I don't know lol)
  6. MarcellusWiley

    David Goldstein's Fritted Disc

    damn not my #1 fritter buddy :( you'll be back...soon enough.
  7. MarcellusWiley

    David Goldstein's Fritted Disc

    that one hasn't been seen on Aqua lab yet but they posted it on instagram. so that means they have it and are gunna be putting it on the site in the next couple days. should be available online soon lol :P
  8. MarcellusWiley

    David Goldstein's Fritted Disc

    New style of Fritter posted on aqua lab's instagram today. its a mini with a unique can look
  9. MarcellusWiley

    Leviathan Pipes (inexpensive American Glass)

    sidecar out of the left of the bubbler would be awesome :D
  10. MarcellusWiley

    David Goldstein's Fritted Disc

    hope you pulling through alright chad. take some fritter rips for me with your bro!
  11. MarcellusWiley

    David Goldstein's Fritted Disc

    looks like aqua lab has gotten some new fritters on the website
  12. MarcellusWiley

    Leviathan Pipes (inexpensive American Glass)

    too bad about'd think they'd want some actual quality glass on the site...
  13. MarcellusWiley

    David Goldstein's Fritted Disc

    oh I used butane because I find it easier to work with (evap temps and all). The oil itself isnt THAT bad, even out of my stereo, it just tastes extremely "earthy" :D :D
  14. MarcellusWiley

    David Goldstein's Fritted Disc

    made some oil out of my abv yesterday when I had not much to do.
  15. MarcellusWiley

    Leviathan Pipes (inexpensive American Glass)

    Sounding better every time you post about it! Been thinking about a bubbler personally for the last few months so i'm excited!
  16. MarcellusWiley

    David Goldstein's Fritted Disc

    My girlfriend still likes to combust so I let her use the fritter for that a lot and I never really have much trouble cleaning it out. takes me about 5-10 minutes max of shaking with iso and salt and its brand spankin new. the fritted disc itself doesnt get very gunky because of the pre-filters...
  17. MarcellusWiley

    David Goldstein's Fritted Disc

    stacking pic from that video
  18. MarcellusWiley

    David Goldstein's Fritted Disc

    I almost didn't buy it because my girlfriend didn't like the "vase-like" shape of the bottom (I have the convertible) and the rooster...hahah boy was she wrong ;) we love our cock fritter now! and I'm with you chad haha, I have so many people ask me questions about this thing when I post on...
  19. MarcellusWiley

    David Goldstein's Fritted Disc

    Here's the long version of my fritter dab video I made today, short magisto version is in the customized vape setups thread
  20. MarcellusWiley

    Customized vape setups

    Tried out that magisto program, it's alright for smaller videos like this, it had trouble with multiple clips so for that I'll stick to Vegas. Have a longer version of this ill make and edit in high quality later tonight. All the bho is my homemade stuff with mango, the darker stuff is the 2nd...
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