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  1. Q

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    New owner of the pax, filled an oven just great, using at lowest temp. The taste IMO does not match the cera's but it's good nonetheless. Very low key
  2. Q

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    Yea when I can.. Work/ school fills up my day..prolly later on tonight. Have u contacted ploom to see if the pax is deliverable to Europe by a third party retailer?
  3. Q

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    My pax is waiting in my mailbox for me as soon as I get home. My cera is going to be on it's way back to TET to be repaired. I was even sent a 1 day shipping label. Great customer service. True convection>conduction. Pax is gonna be used on the go and the cera is going to be used at home to...
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    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    Maybe this is in the wrong thread? Well honestly I don't have the pax yet. Waiting for it to be delivered, hopefully later on today. If you have time look through the pax thread, you will see it's pros and cons. But if stealth is the biggest factor in your purchase id say go for the pax. The...
  5. Q

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    hello OF, thanks for the reply. I hope this issue is corrected once and for all, I asked to know the cause of failure the first time, but never received a response. No I have not tried the 'foil test' but I will when I can. Still waiting on the RMA number from TET. This happened today, I was...
  6. Q

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    First time poster, first thanks to all the people who contribute to the wealth of knowledge that is this forum. I'm a new owner of the cera, had it for a couple weeks now. It's a great vaporizer, quality unit.. For the most part at least. It worked fine for the first few days, then just stopped...
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