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    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    This is getting beyond ridiculous. I'm still waiting for a hopper with a life span longer than two weeks, from last years 4/20.
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    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    I have heard talk of this accessory for a while. It really intrigues me as maybe it's possible to make the hopper more reliable if they were able to kind of start over with a new back end design?
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    Discontinued The Venus Apollo

    That is exactly what I have noticed.
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    Discontinued The Venus Apollo

    @Zementos I find it works best when the cooling unit cap is just at the top of the material. It took me a little to find the sweet spot. I have not tried with the basket screen in the chamber though. I'm pretty busy and sleep deprived this week, but I'll get some pictures up to compare when I...
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    Discontinued The Venus Apollo

    @Zementos Mine is like that too. I'm getting even abv as long as the cooling unit is at the right height for the amount of material in the chamber, and the screen on the cooling unit is not clogged at all. I'm not sure of the reason why but I also noticed that sometimes I will get light colored...
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    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    The times my hopper worked I usually used it at t3-4 natively temp stepping t0.5 after a drag or two. I would even use it 2.5-3 in the morning and get decent 'clouds' and consistent abv. Unfortunately my hoppers performance consistently degraded rapidly and after a few days t5 would be what t2.5...
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    I am in the us and they did indeed take care of me. Sorry about your issues though. Maybe you might have better luck if you try and contact someone else at davinci? ie the person that posts on here and Reddit or maybe send a message explaining your issue to the us email address.
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    I have only had a great experiences with the customer service. I had that same issue and ended up getting a replacement. For the space above the oven a dab tool works wonders.
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    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    I'm thinking we'll start seeing warranty returns sometime in April. Just a guess though, I hope I'm right as a working hopper in time for the 20th would be sweet!
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    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    You nailed it with that line. After multiple consistently failed RMAs Caroline asked me to take videos multiple times to show the lack of vapor production. After going back and forth with more videos and failed RMAs I eked it out of Caroline that they were not actually testing the hopper at all.
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    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    I always experienced the opposite of combustion. The re accruing issue I kept running into was the hopper would be severely under preforming ie green abv on temp 5.
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    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    I'm in the same boat as you. I will happily buy a additional hopper or two, as soon as I get one that works for at least 2-3 months. My record is two weeks though :(
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    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    Intriguing! I beleave I was only told about the 'new rma testing' in October.
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    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    There were new internals in October? I was only told of a 'updated service testing'
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    Discontinued The Venus Apollo

    I treat it like a full convection vape. packing it down reduces the even flow of air and creates hot spots. If your cooling unit is stiff and hard to move up and down in the steam, try putting some coconut oil around it/the oring.
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    Discontinued The Venus Apollo

    @Zementos I don't think so as the bulb is not attached to the plate at the bottom. By the sticking of the flower to the top of the cooling unit, it looks it might be packing down the material to much. I have noticed similar results if the cooling unit is a little too low down in the chamber and...
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    Discontinued Haze Square

    Check out a app called "wine hq"
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    Discontinued The Venus Apollo

    "My Apollo started buzzing yesterday. Anyone else experiencing that? Could be that I just hadn't noticed it before. Gets louder when boosting." Yes, I beleave it's just the PWM working. "Packed a few bowls. Still messing around. Abv is sometimes kinda uneven." I have noticed under certain...
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    Discontinued The Venus Apollo

    ^^ "Should the screen in the performance chamber be domed upwards? Mine is." Mine came dome out but got pushed in moving the cooling unit up and down. You should be able to just pop it out and re shape it of you wish. But mine still seems perfectly fine so I have not even bothered...
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