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  1. L

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Hurra..! Bingo..! Yes if EVO had a display as my oven does I'd be more happy and wouldn't call it primitive. When my oven heats up you can see a blinking arrow pointing up and the actual temperature in digits raising up. When turned off the arrow points down and you can see the actual...
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    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    If it was a product prototype given away for free to test, putting on sleeves, ice, Christmas stockings, etc would be acceptable. But for a finished product sold at £260 (Black Friday sale) is not. It's a bit like if someone would be promoting a £200K sports car as one of the best on the market...
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    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Elaborating. According to the user manual or video instructions by Vapexhale "red" means warming up "green" ready to use. I usually turn the device on, set on max and while it warms up grind my weed and fill up the ELB's. When the indicator is solid green I turn in down to 12'sh and it turns...
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    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Hey again FC. I've been testing the EVO for a couple of days. Mine seems to be working fine. I think for people to make a better decision to buy a product or not must be important to know who is writing a review. I'm in late 40's wealthy and have no interests in cannabis related industry. I'm...
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    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Don't know why you find this strange. Most people don't like the taste of vodka, but enjoy being drunk. I'm non smoker and I hate the taste of burned cannabis in my mouth. For instance I love the effect of a good bong rip but very often that taste of this thick almost tangible smoke in my mouth...
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    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Ok the test results of my new EVO are in. As I already said I had some proper Blue Cheese. Fired up two loads of 0.15g . After the first load I got definitely higher than if I would have with my Arizer Air or MFB. The second load put me just into the very pleasant state of high. I think I must...
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    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    You missed my point completely mate. I'm not saying there are vaporisers I'd be aware of that deliver the same quality of vape for £60. I said that it's retail price would probably be around £60 if it was a mass product intended to be manufactured and sold in hundreds of thousands. For...
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    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    @twosilvertrees , your comment has been noted. Yes, I agree the "women" bit was out of order. Maybe I should have put "prostitute" instead. My problem here is that English is not my first and not even second language and I often struggle expressing myself the way I want to. All this wall of...
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    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    @stickstones Sure I will do it. Will try to get some at least half decent greens and see what it can do. I think this only indicates how small and niche market is this and how exaggerated is this "war on drugs". If there was a demand for herb vaporisers like for lets say kitchen appliances...
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    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Well my EVO arrived this morning. I'm unwrapping it right now as I write this review. The first impression is quite negative. The Vapexhale box is made from cheap, thin cardboard with low resolution print. I would not call it awful but definitely not he kind you would expect for a premium...
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    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Where to get this swagger double from and what was the stickstones code? I took advantage of vapefiend's sale today and got myself a base unit with a mouth piece. Now looking for a decently priced glass. I'm tempted to get this from the gate...
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    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    It looks like the only discounted option now is not even the hydrabomb but HydraBase bomb. I think I'll just buy a base unit with a mouth piece and get some cheap glass from China for now. Next time I'm in the US for some longer time I'll try to fish for some decent glass at the discounted...
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    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Hey. what a good news on UK sale. But it looks that only one glass option is available which is hydrabomb. Is this a good glass. I'd prefer flavour vs dilution.
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    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Hi, does anyone know how true are those rumours about new digital version of Cloud Evo? Any ideas how soon may this happen? I was about to pull the trigger and then boom people start talking about new model being released. So I did not make this purchase at that time. Hate wen this happen...
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    The Arizer Air

    Ok. I got a few nice buds today. Better than usual. Not too dry but not damp either. Grind them well with my SpaceCase grinder. Since I don't have desk lamp I put the ground material on some glass plate and then on a frying pan on lowest heat. In less than 15 it became visibly dry but not baked...
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    The Arizer Air

    @TomC1315 @OF ; @lookhigh Thank you guys . I'll see if I can do something about it. The herbs I get in east London usually is dry and friable to start with. Not like sticky, smelly buds I used to buy from dispensaries in Cali. I start with the temperature set on 'white", get 4-5 draws...
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    The Arizer Air

    Hi guys, Is someone using US version of Arizer Air in the UK? I bought AA in California couple of months ago but did not have enough time to use it there. It charges up here in UK fine but when I vape I'm not getting much vape out of it. Or at least I don't see such big clouds as you usually...
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    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Did you end up paying the full price or are there any promo codes to apply? 15% discount would make me to pull the trigger too.
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    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Thank you for such a detailed reply @KimDracula. You may be right here. My first time happened in Cali and it was amazingly awful. I remember offering my friend $1000 if he could make this experience to go away immediately. And now I'd pay triple for weed if someone could guaranty that it will...
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    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Sublimator may be a good hitter but it looks like some milking equipment from old McDonald's dairy farm :) And the price.... No No.
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